
654 Results

Managing the Overwhelming Prayer List | Articles

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article | May 30, 2016

As a leader of women, are you the go-to person when prayer is needed? It's an honor to be entrusted to stand in the gap for those who hurt and need help. But what if the needs are greater than you can …

An Approach to Scripture That Changes Everything | Articles

article | January 20, 2015

As a child, I romanticized the idea of being a "Christian hero." I imagined the thrill of adventure and the satisfaction of changing the world—but I never envisioned the hardship, discomfort, pain, and spiritual attack that comes when you take a stand …

God's Truth on Your Secret Sexual Sin | Articles

article | November 1, 2013

The Bible is not silent on the subject of masturbation. It does not leave us guessing. It's true that Scripture never mentions masturbation specifically. However, because the Bible does speak thoroughly and explicitly about sexuality and sinful lust, it doesn't have to …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 1 | Articles

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article | June 1, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1–3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. —Hebrews 12:1 Today’s Devotion The name of an …

Overcoming Hospitality Hangups | Articles

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article | April 8, 2024

In an informal poll of women’s ministry leaders: 26% said they didn’t have enough time to clean and prepare to practice hospitality. 16% responded that comparison with other women is a hindrance. 12% simply felt inadequate. Others mentioned not having enough money …

41 Evidences Of Pride | Articles

article | May 23, 2011

Do you look down on those who are less educated, less affluent, less refined, or less successful than yourself? Do you think of yourself as more spiritual than your mate, others in your in your church? Do you have a judgmental spirit …

8 Ways to Fight for Purity | Articles

article | December 15, 2015

I want to fight for purity, and I pray that each and every one of you do as well. But let's be real with one another: Maintaining purity isn't easy. Unless we are vigilant in fighting for purity from the inside out, …

Why a Pew Is Better Than a Podcast | Articles

article | October 28, 2015

I'm a podcast girl. If I'm taking a drive, going for a walk, or working at my desk, I've often got my earbuds in, listening to someone chatter. Here's a peek into my playlist. A few of my favorite podcasts are: The …

Leaving a Godly Legacy | Articles

article | April 2, 2003

A good workman knows that it takes time to build a home that will last for decades. He skillfully lays the groundwork and refuses to cut corners as he pieces together a solid frame. In the same way, we need to build …

Help for the Busy Woman | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

If you ask a woman today, “How are you doing?” chances are the response will be a sigh or a groan, followed by words like “We’ve got so much going on in our family!” “I just can’t keep up with everything I’ve …