
654 Results

Keeping Count or Letting Go? | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

There are essentially two ways of responding to life’s hurts and unfair experiences. Every time we get hurt, we choose to respond in one of these two ways. The first, natural response is to become a debt collector. We set out to …

The Men Speak Out | Articles

article | April 14, 2010

I decided to email some men I know to ask them how we as women can affirm and encourage them to express godly masculinity in the home and church? This is what they shared with me. Express encouragement/belief in him Say "Thank …

Driving Nails To Kill | Articles

article | June 12, 2012

Thanks to everyone who wrote a tribute to your dad! We'll be featuring three of those on the blog tomorrow through Friday. Just a word of warning: When you present your tribute to your dad on Father's Day, ask God to help …

She Wants to Be Like You | Articles

article | March 5, 2014

I pulled into a car wash the other day to use the vacuums and couldn't help but hear the loud rock/pop music coming from the SUV next to me. I looked over and saw a lady vacuuming out her car, with what …

What to Write in the Margins of Your Bible | Articles

article | January 25, 2017

Before you read more of this blog post, grab your Bible and a pen. (If you have two pens in pretty colors, that’s even better.) All set? Great! We’ve been talking about the promises of God all month on the blog. God’s …

The One Thing Burnt out Leaders Need | Articles

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article | August 28, 2017

“The wonder of our God once took my breath away, and now I’m afraid that I’m just out of breath serving Him.” Those raw words were spoken over a hushed crowd of thousands of leaders at a leadership conference a few years …

How Much Is Unity Worth? | Articles

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article | April 30, 2018

Meg and I had been friends for several years and enjoyed a sweet relationship. She was part of a group I helped lead at our church. One day, Meg called to tell me that she disagreed with a decision that had been …

What if Our Women’s Ministry Isn’t Valued? | Articles

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article | July 16, 2018

One reader recently wrote to us with these questions: One of the greatest challenges in our area for women’s ministry in general is for the ministry to be seen as valuable. Of the forty leaders I network with, only one actually gets …

Enter the Nitty-Gritty of Her Life: Serving Special Needs Moms | Articles

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article | June 4, 2018

As a women’s ministry leader, you’ve probably grown accustomed to relating to women in all stages and situations of life. Newlyweds, young mothers, empty nesters, singles, and grandmothers likely make up your women’s group. Yet even among these, you’ll always have a …

Ministering to the Special Needs Mom | Articles

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article | September 25, 2017

According to statistics by the Disability and American Families U.S. Census Bureau Report, one in twenty-six families is raising children with a disability. An estimated 2.8 million families, 1.3 percent, reported raising two or more children with a disability. The Gosney house …