
897 Results

Keeping Count or Letting Go? | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

There are essentially two ways of responding to life’s hurts and unfair experiences. Every time we get hurt, we choose to respond in one of these two ways. The first, natural response is to become a debt collector. We set out to …

Overcoming the Obstacle of Praying Out Loud | Articles

article | October 21, 2015

If you didn't grow up praying around the dinner table or during family devotions, learning to pray aloud in a small group can be downright intimidating. Have you known the sickening feeling of lock jaw, sweaty palms, or stomach nausea that sets …

But Shouldn’t It Be Easy to Read My Bible? | Articles

article | January 11, 2016

No one ever taught me how to study the Bible. (Or if they did, it didn't stick.) I'd just open the Good Book up and do my best to discern a message from God. If I read "the crooked shall become straight," …

10 Reasons Why It Will Be Okay | Articles

article | October 12, 2015

When we’re going through something difficult, we just want someone to look us in the eye and assure us, “It will be okay.” I don’t know what you’re facing now or what’s right around the corner, but I’d love to be that …

Three Ministry Warnings from the Life of Paul | Articles

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article | January 22, 2024

Picture a person fiercely committed to doing God’s work. Let’s call him P. P was raised in a ministry home. He committed his life to serving God at a young age, attended the most rigorous Bible college, and became a talented and …

How to Know if You're Ready to Date or Court | Articles

article | April 11, 2016

When should you start to date (or court)? Here are three tell-tale signs (among others) that you're ready: 1. Your authority figures give you the green light. I heard from a girl recently who wrote: I like this dude, and he happens …

ABC's of Being "Spiritually Single" | Articles

article | August 1, 2008

What does “spiritually single” mean? – A “spiritually single” woman is a Christian wife who is “going it alone” either because her husband is a “pre-Christian” (unbeliever) or is a believer who is not living what he believes. These A-B-C's will help …

One Thing We’re Loving! | Articles

article | April 3, 2020

Last November, I had the privilege of being tucked away in a cozy riverfront lodge in southwest Michigan for a Revive Our Hearts writers’ retreat. I was the lucky duck who had her own little cottage nestled between big trees just a …

4 Ways to Cure a Critical Spirit | Articles

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article | July 13, 2020

The acid we used in chemistry class burned everything it touched. It ate a hole in a block of wood, etched deep scars in a metal basin, and left a plastic tabletop permanently marred. We donned goggles and gloves and used special …

Ask a Women’s Ministry Leader: How to Help Hurting Women | Articles

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article | November 9, 2020

In 2020, the daily news has become more frightening than scary fiction. Many women in our churches are hurting, and it’s hard to know how to help. It’s easy to say or do the wrong thing. Sometimes we simply say nothing because …