
897 Results

How Do I Find the Right Event Speaker? | Articles

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article | January 15, 2018

I cut my teeth in women’s ministry as an author and speaker with the privilege of teaching at women’s events across the country. Requests would simply find their way into my inbox, and whenever my schedule allowed, I’d pack my suitcase and …

Best Of: But Why Can't I Look Like Her? | Articles

article | January 2, 2013

Many of you have written that your beauty is an area where you are prone to believing lies. Molly wrote, "Okay, well I'm tall, and I get made fun of for it and I hate it. I have to keep telling me …

What’s Your Role as a Church-Planter’s Wife? | Articles

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article | July 1, 2019

I remember the first time someone called me the “first lady” of my church. Thirteen years ago, I was a brand-new church planter’s wife on vacation in California, and coming from a Canadian context, I had never heard a pastor’s wife referred …

Hope for Hurting Hearts: The Ministry of Encouragement | Articles

article | April 28, 2003

In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women is the ministry of encouragement. We’ve all felt the energy-draining effects of the discourager. Discouraging people drag us down …

Meet Some of My Favorite Doubters | Articles

article | April 6, 2011

Do you ever look around your church during prayer? Everyone else has their eyes closed and their heads bowed. They all seem to connect to God so easily, to feel His presence so often, and to be so sure that He is …

How I Handled the Hardest Day of My Life | Articles

article | March 21, 2018

I was sixteen and on my way home from a week-long summer camp with some of my best friends. Everything about my life seemed perfect, and I couldn’t have been happier. I was laughing, joking around, reminiscing without a care in the …

To the Heart Searching for Comfort | Articles

article | October 5, 2015

We said “I do,” and we sealed it with a kiss and were introduced as “Mr. and Mrs. Nieves.” We were whisked away on a Caribbean honeymoon, where we saw shooting stars from our balcony and breathed in the ocean air. But …

From the Archives: Is It Okay to Date Just for Fun? | Articles

article | September 24, 2015

Every once in a while, we like to dig up content from our archives and repost it here on the blog. If you haven’t spent time rummaging through our archives, we’d encourage you to do so. (There’s gold in them thar hills!) …

6 Truths to Remember When a Christian Leader Messes Up Royally | Articles

article | August 19, 2014

When a Christian leader you'd looked up to and learned from messes up royally (and unfortunately it's not a matter of if but when you'll experience this), I know what you'll want to do. You'll want to block them on Facebook and …

Ten Tips for a Good Breakup | Articles

article | July 7, 2010

Breakups hurt. Let me rephrase that. Breakups really, really hurt. My breakup with my first real boyfriend when I was 16 remains one of the most painful experiences of my life. There is something uniquely excruciating about a broken heart. I guess …