
654 Results

Esther: Trusting God’s Plan Week 3 | Articles

article | April 22, 2020

It’s a lovely thing to relate to Esther’s character, isn’t it? She’s obedient. She’s brave. She’s beautiful, and people adore her. We probably don’t think we share many characteristics with Haman though, do we? I mean, he was conniving, mischievous, power hungry, …

A Letter to Every High School Girl | Articles

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article | September 16, 2020

Hey there, friend. Just in case someone hasn’t reminded you lately, the God of the universe created you—with intricate, skillful, like-none-other attention to detail. And yes, He had a precious plan in doing so, in creating a valuable life that matters. For …

4 Ways God Strengthens You for Ministry Right Now | Articles

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article | April 13, 2020

As the global health crisis marches on, it might be appealing to remove your leader hat, stuff it in the back of your closet, and go undercover until the storm passes. It’s an enticing idea when you feel overwhelmed by the compounding …

A Mama in Ministry: Embracing God’s Priorities | Articles

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article | February 20, 2020

Last spring was intensely busy. Mothering four little ones ages five and under kept me on my toes from morning until evening, along with being a lay pastor’s wife and writing for several ministries. After weeks of falling behind on my task …

What's Your Excuse? | Articles

article | December 27, 2011

Some time ago, I sent a questionnaire to women from across the United States in relation to the matter of a daily devotional life. Here are some of the obstacles these women encountered in trying to develop a consistent devotional life. The …

Systematically Reading the Grand Story | Articles

article | December 28, 2011

Imagine that you went to your refrigerator, closed your eyes, and then opened the door and grabbed whatever items you happened to reach in order to make a meal. You might get a jar of mayonnaise, a pickle jar, and a peach—not …

30-Day Respect Challenge | Articles

article | September 9, 2014

Day 1—Choose Joy Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4 Do you know the saying, "A happy wife makes a happy life"? Sadly, many wives use moodiness as a way to manipulate and control their husbands. But …

8 Warning Signs of Dating Abuse | Articles

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article | February 17, 2020

I have talked to dozens of abused women, and as we unravel their story, most say something like this, “He was nothing like this until we got married.” Some will even share vivid accounts of how a switch flips on their honeymoon …

Two Leadership Lessons I Learned in 2020 | Articles

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article | December 14, 2020

There is never an easy or uncontroversial time to lead. It just doesn’t exist. Let’s face it, leading in 2020 has been a challenge (and that’s clearly an understatement). But along with all the new and different ways of ministry thrust upon …

Breaking Your Approval Addiction | Articles

article | April 16, 2015

“My name is Erin, and I have an approval addiction.” It’s true. I crave compliments, praise, and adoration more than almost anything else. I’d jump through almost any hoop to get people to rise to their feet and applaud for me. I …