
897 Results

15 Ways to Make Prayer a Natural Part of Your Everyday Family Lif | Articles

article | March 1, 2002

Help your children to become aware of answered prayer. Tell them about the times in your life when God has answered your prayers. Encourage them to share when God answers their prayers-even if His answer isn’t what they wanted or expected. When …

You've Got a Date | Articles

article | June 3, 2009

I don't know about you, but I didn't see many examples of a godly marriage as a young woman. My parents split when I was 10. Many of my friends' parents chose the same path. My youth pastor and his wife were …

Jesus Is Better Than Even Our Best Plans | Articles

article | July 1, 2020

I like to have a plan. Spontaneity is good and fun at certain times, but generally, I prefer to know where I’m going and when, especially when it comes to big life decisions. Where should I go to college? Where should I …

What's the Purpose of a Wedding? | Articles

article | May 20, 2015

My wedding is less than three months away, so I’m frequently asked the same question by many caring people at church, in the grocery store checkout line, at the bank, and at Starbucks. “Are you excited for the wedding?” they’ll ask with …

How to Pray When Someone You Love Is Stuck in Sin | Articles

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article | March 25, 2015

One reader recently asked this hard question . . . “Can you write about how to pray for someone (like a dad or brother) struggling with sin?” I can read between those lines. That question wasn’t hypothetical. It wasn’t based on something …

When Temptation Hits, Look for the Escape Hatch | Articles

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article | June 17, 2020

Strap on your thinking caps, friends. To get God’s truth stamped into our minds and hearts, today we are going to use our imaginations. Ready? Picture yourself in a room. The walls are covered with posters of whatever it is that tempts …

Christmas in Reverse | Articles

article | December 15, 2016

Christmas morning isn’t the final destination, you know? It’s more like our starting point. Long after the presents are unwrapped and the Christmas candy is eaten, the hope of Christmas remains. Jesus didn’t stay in a manger; He didn’t remain a babe …

A New Definition of Gossip | Articles

article | May 19, 2010

“It’s not gossip if it’s true.” “She didn’t say that it’s a secret, so it’s not gossip.” “I’m only telling you this so you can pray for her. That’s not gossip, right?” Have you ever heard anyone defend their speech like this? …

You Were Created for True Intimacy | Articles

article | May 15, 2019

My wedding day was less than three weeks away. I could hardly wait to finally marry the man I had already pledged my life and love to. My longings for marriage, intimacy, and a lifelong companion would finally be realized. As the …

Lies We’ve Believed About Gossip | Articles

article | August 30, 2017

Last month, Bethany asked us to wrestle with this question in one of her Summer Book Club updates: What are some ordinary or accepted sins you struggle with? Wrestle I did, and one answer kept pinning me to the mat—gossip. It’s an …