
654 Results

Hermenwhatics? | Articles

article | January 26, 2018

Any time you open the Bible searching for answers about who God is, you will find them. That’s what the whole thing is about! But it is possible to read God’s Word in ways that lead to misunderstandings about who God is …

A Prayer Strategy for Women in Your Church | Articles

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article | August 31, 2020

About three years ago, I was meditating on possible new opportunities for women in my local church. As the women’s ministry director, that’s part of my job, but more importantly, I strive to go to the Lord for direction and vision for …

The Beautiful Feet of Good News Messengers | Articles

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article | April 27, 2015

I want to have beautiful feet. I’d love for my toenails to be painted, to have smooth skin, and for those rough edges on my heels to go away. That would be nice. But that’s not the beauty I ultimately desire. I …

Why You Need Relationships with Little Old Ladies | Articles

article | March 2, 2017

This past summer when I was asked to lead a Bible Study, I wanted to say “yes.” There was just one small catch: The majority of the guys in the group are roughly three times my age. THREE TIMES! I like being …

Mothering Advice from My Mom | Articles

article | February 18, 2010

Since I've got motherhood on the brain this month, I decided to sit down with my own mom to get her take on being a mom. Check it out. Q: Did you always want to be a mom? A: The answer is …

Leading Out of Weakness | Articles

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article | June 13, 2016

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9–10). Leadership is not for the faint of heart. Despite the fact that many assign an elevated status and strength to those who lead, most of …

4 Wise Steps for Answering Difficult Questions | Articles

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article | February 5, 2018

Meet any three-year-old, and you’ll quickly learn their favorite question: “Why?” You’d think such a simple question would have an easy answer, but this isn’t always the case. How much more difficult are questions from adults about complex biblical truths and the …

It’s Our Responsibility to Raise up Younger Leaders | Articles

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article | July 6, 2020

Each of my life roles involve elements that are energizing and elements that are draining. I delight in long talks with my teenage kids; I am zapped when I must address the same issue over and over. I love cooking; I loathe …

Sex and the Single Girl | Articles

article | November 6, 2017

This summer I attended a women's conference at my church. The topic? Sex. Yes, I’m single. So yes, I know it’s a little weird that I went to a conference talking about something only married women should be doing. Even though sex …

Making the Most of Your Small Group Time | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Want to get the most out of your small group meetings? Good leaders know it requires structure and some advance planning. Here are some things we’ve found that work well . . . Time A good length for a small group study …