
654 Results

Why You Need a Mentor Who Is M.O.R.E. | Articles

article | March 9, 2017

I am eager to introduce you to the woman who has mentored me for more than twenty years. Actually, you may already know her. It’s Dannah Gresh, co-author of Lies Young Women Believe. She’s been speaking truth into my life since I …

It’s Our Responsibility to Raise up Younger Leaders | Articles

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article | July 6, 2020

Each of my life roles involve elements that are energizing and elements that are draining. I delight in long talks with my teenage kids; I am zapped when I must address the same issue over and over. I love cooking; I loathe …

5 Steps for a Gospel Empowered Ministry of Counseling | Articles

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article | January 25, 2016

When the Lord called me to direct women's ministries at my church, I had no blueprint or past experience to lean upon. This was good in that it helped me recognize my complete and utter need for God's Spirit to lead, provide, …

Creating a Sisterhood of Girls Mentoring Girls | Articles

article | March 1, 2017

I sat in the conference session with my eyes wide open. It was one of those moments where every word spoken pierced straight into my heart. As the speaker shared about his passion for mentorship and discipleship, I knew my life would …

What Do Others Expect of You? | Articles

article | May 31, 2010

I was hanging out with some of my friends recently when the conversation turned to meeting the expectations of others. One friend said, “I’ve always been told I am smart, so I feel like I have to be the smartest person in …

Does Twilight Lead to an Unholy Fantasy Life? | Articles

article | November 27, 2009

We've spent most of this week talking about Twilight and other popular vampire series, including Vampire Diaries and True Blood. Vampire-themed shows, books, and movies have enormous appeal to young women worldwide, but I am convinced that as Christians it is best …

Dear Women’s Ministry Leader: A Letter from Susan Hunt | Articles

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article | May 14, 2020

Dear Women’s Ministry Leader, As an eighty-year-old widow of a pastor (my precious husband died five months ago) and a former women’s ministry leader, I have reflected on your present reality of serving in the context of COVID-19. For decades, on Wednesday …

What's The Big Deal About Sunday? | Articles

article | March 28, 2013

Raise your hand if you've been going to church since you were in the womb. Keep it up if you've celebrated at least fifteen Easters in church. I can't see those hands through the computer screen, but I am sure there are …

Does He Know God's Word? | Articles

article | May 29, 2013

In the darkness of night, a twenty-something woman steps out of her plush towel sheet and dips her toe into a descending stairway leading to a secluded, spa-like pool. It is the night before her wedding, and she is bathing in a …

How to Fall In Love with the Bible (Part 2) | Articles

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article | January 9, 2020

When my dad spoke, I listened—except when I was engrossed in a TV show. Those times, I’d look him straight in the eyes, say, “Yes, sir,” and then panic after he drove off because I had no idea what I’d promised to …