
897 Results

When a Christian Leader Fails You | Articles

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article | October 8, 2018

Leaders in the church aren’t exempt from sin. No one is. We don’t expect perfect people to lead our congregations, direct ministries, create resources, and speak into the culture. But we do expect them to uphold the Bible’s authority. We do want …

The Greatest Gift | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave . . ." This is the message of Christmas! It is God's gift to the world that attaches meaning to our tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts. It is in giving, as …

Are You Ready for Company? | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

How would you feel if distant relatives showed up unannounced on your doorstep with plans to stay for a week and were eager to take a tour of your house? Would you have to scramble to avoid embarrassment? If you’re like me, …

Does God Still Reveal Whom We Should Marry? | Articles

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article | December 28, 2017

The Lord answered Abraham’s prayer for a wife for his son Isaac with a sign and a drinking jar (Gen. 24). He told Hosea exactly when he should seek a wife and what kind of woman she should be (Hos. 1:2). An …

Nancy Talks About Discretion | Articles

article | August 15, 2008

A few of you mentioned listening to Nancy’s program on discretion through Revive Our Hearts. What an important subject for women of all ages! The dictionary defines discretion as “the quality of being discreet, esp. with reference to one's own actions or …

Leaders Know: Clarity Is Kindness | Articles

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article | August 3, 2022

We’re all best equipped to meet expectations when we know what those expectations are. The reverse is also true, of course. We tend to wilt, not bloom, when our efforts are planted in the soil of ambiguity. (I find this to be …

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #1: Nothing Left to G | Articles

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article | August 5, 2019

Welcome to the Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide blog series! Eight leaders will share their #1 ministry survival tools during the month of August so we can thrive in our ministry callings this year. Start loading your ministry tool belt with the …

When DIY Becomes DI-Don’t | Articles

article | July 24, 2020

If you knew me well, you’d quickly learn that I’m not an arts-and-crafts person. Even my best attempts at “easy, follow-along” projects somehow seem to go awry. Just ask my family about my attempt to paint a landscape scene of some birch …

Lust Is a Girl Struggle, Too | Articles

article | May 8, 2019

I crawled into my bed and turned on the lamp. It was late. I was tired. But that didn’t keep me from reading a book in my favorite genre, Christian romance novels. I justified my actions and convinced myself that these books …

When Ministry Leaders Collide: 3 Tips for Resetting Relationships | Articles

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article | June 24, 2019

I sat in one of the ministers’ offices feeling frustrated over some challenges I was facing with a fellow volunteer. After patiently listening to my concerns, the ministry leader leaned in and gently said, “I think the two of you are more …