
897 Results

Why Revelation Shouldn't Scare You | Articles

article | July 10, 2019

Grab your Bible and flip to the book of Revelation. You know . . . that book at the back of our Bibles. The one that may or may not be about the future? The one that contains the four horsemen of …

Why a Pew Is Better Than a Podcast | Articles

article | October 28, 2015

I'm a podcast girl. If I'm taking a drive, going for a walk, or working at my desk, I've often got my earbuds in, listening to someone chatter. Here's a peek into my playlist. A few of my favorite podcasts are: The …

Clinging to Hope in This Dark World | Articles

article | August 8, 2016

I open Twitter and begin to scroll. The words “Breaking News” catch my eye, and I abruptly stop the moving newsfeed on my screen. A shooting. A terrorist attack. An updated death count. My heart sinks, and I tell my husband the …

You Can’t Do It All: Why We Need to Use Everyone’s Gifts | Articles

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article | December 12, 2016

My husband and I spent the last decade at our church wearing many hats. We filled whatever hole was vacant. We served, taught, led, shared, and gave all that we had to give. We have since moved away and now attend a …

Offering Hope in the Midst of #MeToo | Articles

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article | April 2, 2018

In 2017, the #MeToo movement left many wondering how to respond to such an outcry. Some of us are asking, “Who do I know that may be affected?” Or even, “This is my story and my secret—now what?" Statistically speaking, sexual abuse …

How to Fend Off Ministry Burnout | Articles

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article | January 21, 2019

I sat in my pastor’s office, crying. “It’s too much. I just can’t do it all,” I cried, while swiping tears away. Our church was in a transitional season where church members needed to pitch in more than ever. I loved my …

A Leader’s Preparation for Revival | Articles

article | January 30, 2023

Is your heart longing for revival? Do you desire for your life to be used as an instrument of revival? Will you be ready when the winds of revival begin to blow? While there is no formula that will guarantee revival, God’s …

A Hero in Her Thirties | Articles

article | November 10, 2016

We need each other, girls! Titus 2:3–5 shows us the value in listening to the wisdom of the generation of women ahead of us and carrying the banner of truth for the generation behind us. Because we want you to be inspired …

Remember Women on the Sidelines | Articles

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article | September 17, 2020

I remember a Bible study leader once remarking to me, “There are always the same women who participate in Bible study and always those who never join in.” She said it as though it was a foregone conclusion and nothing could be …

Singleness in the Church | Articles

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article | July 11, 2016

It can often feel like the local church is built mainly around married people or families, but interestingly enough, both Jesus and Paul were single, and so was one of my favorite women in Scripture, Lydia. We're not told much about Lydia's …