
897 Results

4 Signs Your God Is Too Small | Articles

article | March 5, 2015

God is big. He is so big that: He measured the waters of Earth in the palm of His hand (Isa. 40:12). He marked off the skies with the distance between His thumb and little finger (Isa. 40:12). He made doors to …

When God Calls You to Something "Small" | Articles

article | October 1, 2015

As Christians, we love to talk about doing "big things" for God. It's awesome when our faith propels us to take giant leaps, but sometimes the harder steps to take are the small ones. We'll move to the mission field in Africa …

If You've Ever Thought God Is Anti-Sex | Articles

article | August 29, 2017

As our culture increasingly promotes sex without boundaries, God's view of sex seems more and more radical. Since the culture's message is progressively pro-sex, many people interpret God's message about sexuality to be anti-sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. While …

What Does Pursuing God Look Like? | Articles

article | January 12, 2016

Anna wrote me recently: I want to know Jesus more and pursue Him, especially during this time of singleness. Would you mind sharing some thoughts on what pursuing Christ looks like? Does it go deeper than just praying, reading the Bible, fasting, …

God Sees Every Sentence of Your Story | Articles

article | July 8, 2020

I’ve never mentioned this to Robert Wolgemuth before, but many of us on the Revive Our Hearts staff would love nothing more than to gather 'round the fireplace in Robert and Nancy’s living room for an evening of Storytime with Robert—because he’s …

From The Archives: Three Things God Can't Do | Articles

article | October 31, 2012

God is lots of things. He's omnipresent (always with us). He is omniscient (all knowing). He is good and compassionate, loving, and full of grace. The list of words that we could use to describe Him seems endless. But did you know …

When God Cuts Your Idol's Head Off | Articles

article | October 7, 2015

In 1 Samuel 5, nestled in between Samuel’s birth and Saul’s anointing as king, we find a weird little story. The Philistines (enemies of the people of God) captured the Ark of the Covenant. This was a low blow to God’s people, …

Is it Possible to Know God Without Knowing His Word? | Articles

article | January 7, 2009

I was listening to Nancy’s radio series “Getting into the Word and Getting the Word into You” earlier this week. Her thoughts about the significance of knowing and loving God’s Word hit me like a two-by-four right between the eyes. She said, …

Why We Must Think Rightly About God | Articles

article | March 10, 2009

If you’re a LYWB bloggie you know that we’re taking a look at A.W. Tozer’s book The Knowledge of the Holy this month. The first chapter of that book is titled “Why We Must Think Rightly About God.” Interestingly, the first set …

3 Steps to Knowing God through His Names | Articles

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article | February 16, 2021

There was a time in my life when a homing signal might as well have alerted every thief, rapist, and murderer within 100 miles of my house to head my way. The alert always went out when I was going to be …