
897 Results

True You: How to Have Victory Over Body Image Issues | Articles

article | November 6, 2020

Approximately ninety-one percent of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape. Are you one of them? Maybe you feel like you just don’t fit into the cultural ideal of beauty, or perhaps you …

7 Ways to Minister to an Abused Woman | Articles

Thumbnail of

article | November 28, 2016

Words can be so simple, yet so profound. They can breathe life into us but also cause us to be frozen, stuck, or even unable to function (Prov. 16:24). While our words always have an impact on others, for those in a …

Qualities of a Leaders | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Avoids getting swamped in detail Is not petty Is not pompous Knows how to select people to fit the task Trusts others to do a job without meddling Is capable of clear decisions Inspires confidence Does little things well Focuses on priorities …

Event Planning 101 | Articles

article | May 16, 2016

You want to plan an event, but where do you even start?! Breathe easy. This resource will help walk you through the basics of event planning. Download the PDF.

(Promotional Video) | Articles

article | July 13, 2017

For resources for True Woman 201, click here.

Summer Book Club: What Kind of Old Woman Will You Be? | Articles

article | June 23, 2015

Psst . . . Did you do your homework last week? If you need a refresher, hop back to this post where I challenged you to: Read the book of Titus. Start reading a biography of someone with right thinking. Make a …

Are You Sophron? (Sound Thinking) | Articles

article | January 30, 2017

Please download PDF for the sophron chart. A sophron lifestyle begins with a sophron state of mind—a way of thinking that affects everything about the way we live. A sensible, sound, self-controlled mindset will result in sensible, sound, self-controlled behavior. Make a …

How to Start a Small Group | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Enlist a small group of women to pray together about starting a small group and to also pray over the intended curriculum. Ask God to show you women whose lives He has been working in—that they would have a love for His …