
654 Results

Racism: It's Deeper Than the Color of Our Skin | Articles

article | February 2, 2016

Okay, girls. You asked for some deep thinking on a difficult topic, so here we go. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to it. When I throw the word "racist" on the table, what comes to mind? Is it an image …

The Greatest Gift | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave . . ." This is the message of Christmas! It is God's gift to the world that attaches meaning to our tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts. It is in giving, as …

The Surprising Reason You Don’t Have a Mentor | Articles

article | March 29, 2017

Since Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s book, Adorned, was released, I’ve relished the privilege of reading the sweet, excited comments from readers everywhere as I share #AdornedBook quotes and images on social media. It’s one of the fabulous perks of my job at Revive …

We Are the First Responders | Articles

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article | June 3, 2019

None of us who watched in horror as the events of 9/11 unfolded will ever forget the first responders. Of the 2,977 victims who died that fateful day, more than 412 were emergency workers who showed up to help. This graphic memory …

The Most Dangerous Identity Crisis | Articles

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article | November 14, 2016

Have you ever heard the term “identity crisis”? Most of us are familiar with this phrase and use it almost jokingly, but the truth is that many times Christians are in the middle of an identity crisis without even realizing it. “Who …

The Power of I AM: How Seven Statements of Jesus Empower Ministry | Articles

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article | March 10, 2021

I felt more like a decorator than a ministry leader. I wanted to help women fall in love with the Bible, not sit in my living room—again—ironing eighteen (supposedly) wrinkle-free tablecloths and brainstorming yet another clever centerpiece. I only have so many …

Singled Out For Service | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

Singleness once was looked upon as unusual, unfortunate, unnatural and even undesirable. Then innumerable Christian books, magazines and seminars explored the subject, offering everything from advice (how to be single and satisfied) to consolation (how to be happy though single). Singles were …

Word-Driven Ministry Is What We Need the Most | Articles

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article | September 10, 2020

Perhaps you’ve seen the now-viral video of Christians in China receiving their Bibles for the first time. Cheers and tears of joy fill the room as they open the suitcases full of Bibles. After the initial excitement, there seems to be a …

Whatever the Cost | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

Now is the time for a movement of reformation and revival in the hearts and homes of Christian women all around this world. Now is the time to go against the flow. I believe God has brought you into His kingdom for …

Leading in a Crisis | Articles

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article | March 19, 2020

It seems like only days ago, people were filled with hope at the beginning of a new decade. The threat of a global pandemic was nowhere in our wildest imaginations. Now, a microscopic virus is lodged in the forefront of our minds, …