898 Results
Hope for Hurting Hearts: The Ministry of Encouragement | Articles
In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women is the ministry of encouragement. We’ve all felt the energy-draining effects of the discourager. Discouraging people drag us down …
The Lasting Impact Of Suicide | Articles
Erin: Can you shed any light on what God's Word teaches on the subject of suicide? Kim: I hesitated to address this question because I know it is one that evokes much emotion and one where there is considerable disagreement within the …
Embracing Awkward Moments | Articles
I will never forget the moment when, as a young married couple, my husband and I were faced with an extremely socially awkward situation. We were visiting friends we hadn't seen in several years, and someone suggested that we all watch their …
A Crack in the Ice | Articles
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is …
Have You Been Hurt By A Leaving Youth Pastor? | Articles
As part of the research phase for Lies Young Women Believe, I surveyed approximately 1,000 young women from across the country. I interviewed many of those young women in small groups over coffee in living rooms just like yours and mine. During …
5 Ways to Sharpen Your Discernment Skills | Articles
Adam blamed God and Eve for his sin. Eve blamed the serpent. And the serpent most likely smirked. These three shared more than just being wise in their own eyes. They rebelled against God after they cast discernment to the side. Ah, …
Why This is the Most Important Week of the Year | Articles
Yesterday marked the beginning of the seven days leading up to the resurrection of Jesus. It's called Holy Week because there's never been a more sacred seven days. Something huge and important happened every day this week more than 2,000 years ago, …
You've Got a Date | Articles
I don't know about you, but I didn't see many examples of a godly marriage as a young woman. My parents split when I was 10. Many of my friends' parents chose the same path. My youth pastor and his wife were …
What's The Big Stink About Submission? | Articles
When you think of a woman who's a champion athlete, model, and celebrity, you might not use the word "submissive" to describe her. But that's exactly how Gabrielle Reece describes herself when talking about her marriage. Gabrielle has made a name for …
What If I Feel Ill-Equipped for This? | Articles
When I was a little girl growing up in Florida, my dad would often take my sister and I out on a boat to go snorkeling. One sunny Saturday afternoon, my dad explained that we were going to do something different—he was …