
654 Results

6 Reasons to Guard Your Eyes | Articles

article | July 29, 2015

Caution: Contains explicit material not suitable for all readers. Monday I waved a caution flag warning that porn is everywhere in our culture and is increasingly socially acceptable among Christians. That whole post might have felt like I was simply stating the …

What If I Feel Ill-Equipped for This? | Articles

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article | May 6, 2019

When I was a little girl growing up in Florida, my dad would often take my sister and I out on a boat to go snorkeling. One sunny Saturday afternoon, my dad explained that we were going to do something different—he was …

How to Honor God and Influence Our Leaders | Articles

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article | September 28, 2015

As I sat with my women's ministry team rejoicing over a fruitful year of ministry, one of them asked a question we'd discussed many times before: "What about the men? Women are learning about their God-created design and purpose, but the men …

Problems in Ministry Are Ministry | Articles

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article | April 2, 2020

In ministry, we face many problems and challenges. From little snafus—like running out of sweet tea during a women’s ministry luncheon—to bigger ones like a conflict between ministry leaders, problems are part and parcel in ministry life. What are some of those …

Helping Wives with Husbands Addicted to Pornography | Articles

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article | May 22, 2017

If you are a woman who has any leadership role at all in a local church or ministry, chances are great that other women will think of you if they need to talk to someone during a time of crisis. As a …

Write A New Story | Articles

article | December 31, 2012

It's been a month of stories here on the blog. You started by telling me your very favorite stories, and we've wrapped up the month by taking a second look at the greatest story ever told. Sigh. I just love a good …

Bible Teachers as Channels of Life | Articles

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article | March 16, 2020

Some time ago I had the privilege of attending a workshop for women on studying and teaching the Bible. For two-and-a-half days, sixty women studied a short book of the Bible together in general sessions and small groups. We listened to instruction …

5 Guidelines for Diffusing Conflict in Ministry | Articles

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article | January 22, 2018

I was twenty years old, and it was staff training week. We—the camp staff—were on a bus headed out for a team-building activity. When we stopped at a McDonald’s, Chris, our camp director, said we could use the bathrooms, but no one …

Best Of: Battling Discouragement And Depression With . . . | Articles

article | January 18, 2013

Does Scripture memory sound like "just another thing to do" on an already overwhelming to-do list? What if you learned it was one of the greatest weapons you have to battle discouragement and depression in your life? Would that interest you a …

Love Defined: 5 Strategies for Thriving as a Single Girl | Articles

article | May 2, 2018

Looking back on the many Valentine's Days I’ve spent “alone,” there is one that stands out to me more than others. I was single and headed to the grocery store to pick up my favorite brand of mascara. As I pulled into …