
654 Results

What's The Big Stink About Submission? | Articles

article | May 13, 2013

When you think of a woman who's a champion athlete, model, and celebrity, you might not use the word "submissive" to describe her. But that's exactly how Gabrielle Reece describes herself when talking about her marriage. Gabrielle has made a name for …

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #8: How to Honor God | Articles

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article | August 29, 2019

I’m applauding Linda Green for her wisdom on honoring God by submitting to our leaders—Tool #8 in the Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide series. This tool isn’t always easy to follow but it’s essential if we love God and want to flourish …

What a Great Marriage Needs Most | Articles

article | September 14, 2017

You may have noticed a theme on the blog this week. We’ve been talking about marriage. A lot! But maybe not in the ways we usually do. We think marriage is great. It’s one of God’s very best ideas, but whether you’re …

We Have Gifts. Let Us Use Them! | Articles

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article | January 18, 2021

We’ve hand selected our top blog posts for a special series, Best of the Best. Don’t miss these popular and practical articles! —Leslie Bennett, Women’s Ministry Initiatives I stood in front of a crowd of women and announced my gifts. “I have …

Have You Been Hurt By A Leaving Youth Pastor? | Articles

article | October 21, 2009

As part of the research phase for Lies Young Women Believe, I surveyed approximately 1,000 young women from across the country. I interviewed many of those young women in small groups over coffee in living rooms just like yours and mine. During …

6 Truths to Remember When a Christian Leader Messes Up Royally | Articles

article | August 19, 2014

When a Christian leader you'd looked up to and learned from messes up royally (and unfortunately it's not a matter of if but when you'll experience this), I know what you'll want to do. You'll want to block them on Facebook and …

5 Things I've Learned from My Unbelieving Friends | Articles

article | November 24, 2014

One of my best friends is an atheist. I love Jesus in a crazy-all-of-my-heart kind of way, and she doesn't believe there's a God, much less a God who sent His Son to die for her. So how exactly did our friendship …

Dare to Hope That He’ll Redeem Your Story | Articles

article | July 29, 2020

Hope scares me now. Hope feels dangerous. Hope feels vulnerable. Hope even feels . . . a little silly. I’ve learned to be gut-level honest here in the valley of the shadow of death—the place that seems like my permanent residence these …

When a Christian Leader Fails You | Articles

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article | October 8, 2018

Leaders in the church aren’t exempt from sin. No one is. We don’t expect perfect people to lead our congregations, direct ministries, create resources, and speak into the culture. But we do expect them to uphold the Bible’s authority. We do want …

Why I’m Not Looking for Just a Husband | Articles

article | December 10, 2014

I am going to do something that I've never done in a blog post before. I'm going to open up my journal and share some completely personal things that I wrote down this past week. I was sitting on my bed praying …