
654 Results

When a Christian Leader Fails You | Articles

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article | October 8, 2018

Leaders in the church aren’t exempt from sin. No one is. We don’t expect perfect people to lead our congregations, direct ministries, create resources, and speak into the culture. But we do expect them to uphold the Bible’s authority. We do want …

Best Of: What If I've Blown It? | Articles

article | January 21, 2013

In response to our posts on love and romance, many of you have written to us to tell us that you've messed up in the area of purity. When it comes to being physically and emotionally pure, clearly many of you feel …

6 Truths to Remember When a Christian Leader Messes Up Royally | Articles

article | August 19, 2014

When a Christian leader you'd looked up to and learned from messes up royally (and unfortunately it's not a matter of if but when you'll experience this), I know what you'll want to do. You'll want to block them on Facebook and …

Hope For The Bullied | Articles

article | December 19, 2011

I was sitting in seventh-grade home-economics class the first time I felt the full weight of the impact of bullying. Our teacher announced that one of my classmates, Joey, had taken his own life after enduring months of ridicule and rejection. He …

Is Sin Stunting Your Ministry Growth? | Articles

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article | September 30, 2019

It happens often as leaders. Someone sits across the table from us, tears puddling in their eyes as they stammer out a heartfelt confession of sin. Because we are broken people traversing a broken planet, there is no shortage of sin. Sin …

Run Your Race with Perseverance | Articles

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article | January 8, 2018

Soon after my mother’s death, I found Hebrews 12:1–2 written on a sticky note in the front of her Bible. I call it her “sticky note legacy.” It was the Bible my dad gave her in the midst of her battle with …

Book Club: Crazy Busy, Chapter 5 | Articles

article | July 4, 2016

Join us as we take a hard look at how we schedule our time with our Summer Book Club pick, Crazy Busy. This week we peek at Chapter 5, “Mission Creep.” Check out the vlog below. Go on! Grab a piece of …

Living the Surrendered Life | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

One of the most beloved hymns of the church reflects was penned in 1874 by a single woman named Frances Ridley Havergal. Written as a prayer, each line focuses on one dimension of what it means to be fully consecrated to Christ. …

Erin Answers a Reader's Question About Drinking | Articles

article | June 16, 2010

A LYWB reader recently asked a great question. “Okay I kinda have a controversial question. Is it okay for Christians to drink alcohol as long as they don’t get drunk? Are there any verses that condemn drinking? I know there are some …

What if I've blown it? | Articles

article | March 9, 2011

Last month we focused our posts on love and romance. Many of you wrote to us to tell us that you've messed up in the area of purity. When it comes to being physically and emotionally pure, clearly many of you feel …