
654 Results

Book Club: Crazy Busy, Chapter 5 | Articles

article | July 4, 2016

Join us as we take a hard look at how we schedule our time with our Summer Book Club pick, Crazy Busy. This week we peek at Chapter 5, “Mission Creep.” Check out the vlog below. Go on! Grab a piece of …

3 Ways to Cultivate a Passion to Pray | Articles

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article | June 27, 2016

Of all the words that could be used to describe your ministry is prayerful at the top of the list? Last summer I spent time in Haiti with a group of twenty-four women and children's leaders. The trip was eye-opening in so …

Leading in Seasons of Loneliness | Articles

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article | March 25, 2019

A few months ago, I struggled with deep loneliness for one of the first times in my life. My husband has been working intently on completing his PhD, and it has been a long, ongoing season of buckling down, strict focus, and …

What if I've blown it? | Articles

article | March 9, 2011

Last month we focused our posts on love and romance. Many of you wrote to us to tell us that you've messed up in the area of purity. When it comes to being physically and emotionally pure, clearly many of you feel …

Amazed by His Wonder | Articles

article | October 9, 2014

This original recitation by Blair Linne was given at True Woman '14. Jesus . . . In the pre-existent Godhead three in One, All praise to the Father and Spirit and . . . Can I take a moment to exalt the …

From the Archives: But What About Stepdads? | Articles

article | June 11, 2012

Because of Father's Day, we've been talking a lot about fathers this month. We hope you're making plans to bless your dad this coming Sunday, but we recognize that for some of you, Father's Day is ... complicated. That's because you have …

Does It Matter What I Eat? | Articles

article | March 9, 2010

Two chocolate chip cookies, a handful of chips, half of a hot dog, part of a chicken salad sandwich, I am ashamed to say that the list above includes everything I've had to eat today. I've been busy, as always, and finding …

A Busy Leader’s Guide to Pursuing Intimacy with Christ | Articles

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article | May 20, 2019

Are you feeling depleted from the demands of ministry? Bring your empty cup to the Fresh Fuel for Weary Leaders webinar and be filled up to pour out again. This free webinar from Revive Our Hearts offers you practical tips and encouragement …

How I Handled the Hardest Day of My Life | Articles

article | March 21, 2018

I was sixteen and on my way home from a week-long summer camp with some of my best friends. Everything about my life seemed perfect, and I couldn’t have been happier. I was laughing, joking around, reminiscing without a care in the …

What is True Friendship? | Articles

article | June 17, 2008

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the seventh grade. I had just dialed in the combination to my locker when an avalanche occurred. Someone had filled my locker to the brim with hygiene products. When I opened …