
654 Results

Help! It’s Sunday Morning! | Articles

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article | January 14, 2019

Sarah married the love of her life, whom God called to be a pastor, and their four children came in rapid succession. Sunday morning was the most stressful time of her week. Her husband left early to unlock the church and prepare …

A Beautiful Knowing | Articles

article | September 26, 2017

We’re shaking things up a bit round here on the Lies blog. Instead of blog posts, we’ll be leading you through an online Bible study for the next two weeks. The study comes from Erin’s books, A Beautiful Story and Beautiful Encounters. …

3 Tips for Serving Your Event Speakers | Articles

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article | August 13, 2018

I recently had the joy of serving with the planning committee for a women’s conference at our church. The experience was one that grew me, challenged me, and stirred my affections deeper for the Lord. While the process itself was changing me …

How I Handled the Hardest Day of My Life | Articles

article | March 21, 2018

I was sixteen and on my way home from a week-long summer camp with some of my best friends. Everything about my life seemed perfect, and I couldn’t have been happier. I was laughing, joking around, reminiscing without a care in the …

Purity Is More Than a List of Rules | Articles

article | May 13, 2019

I was that girl. The girl who grew up in church, saved sex for marriage, wrote letters to her future husband, and tried to do all of the “right” things a good church girl should do. Check. Check. Check. I was marking …

Fostering Community, Not Competition, in Your Church | Articles

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article | November 11, 2019

Back when I still had preschoolers, I was asked to be a Bible study leader. Our group met on Thursday mornings—the same morning that the moms’ group met down the hall. I loved this because it meant my kids could participate in …

5 Ways to Pray | Articles

article | December 4, 2020

When you receive a job offer . . . When your health results come back as questionable . . . When you need to decide on your future plans, moving or school or working . . . When you did something you’re …

The Lasting Impact of Abortion—an Interview with Kelly Roy | Articles

article | November 25, 2008

Revive Our Hearts recently featured a series on abortion. Kelly Roy was one of three individuals interviewed by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth as part of that series. I thought Kelly’s story was especially compelling because she is a Christian who was raised in …

Kick Bitterness to the Curb! | Articles

article | October 26, 2018

See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God (Heb. 12:15). That sentence ought to make us sit up and pay attention. If God’s grace is available for the taking (and it is!), I don’t want to miss …

True Joy Is More Than a Mood | Articles

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article | September 21, 2020

Do you love a good secret as much as I do? Whether it involves a new anti-aging cream or tips for building authentic relationships, I’m eager to uncover fresh, helpful information. Secrets also imply something hidden deep within the secret teller’s heart …