
654 Results

Meet Some of My Favorite Doubters | Articles

article | April 6, 2011

Do you ever look around your church during prayer? Everyone else has their eyes closed and their heads bowed. They all seem to connect to God so easily, to feel His presence so often, and to be so sure that He is …

Untangle Twisted Relationships: When Women’s Friendships Become U | Articles

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article | September 10, 2018

“Ellen, we never saw ourselves as gay, but we have never been in love with another person in this way.” This was how Beth1, a woman in her forties, described her affair with Anna, a young grad student who began coming to …

Kick Bitterness to the Curb! | Articles

article | October 26, 2018

See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God (Heb. 12:15). That sentence ought to make us sit up and pay attention. If God’s grace is available for the taking (and it is!), I don’t want to miss …

True Joy Is More Than a Mood | Articles

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article | September 21, 2020

Do you love a good secret as much as I do? Whether it involves a new anti-aging cream or tips for building authentic relationships, I’m eager to uncover fresh, helpful information. Secrets also imply something hidden deep within the secret teller’s heart …

Stand for Truth Thursday: 3 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Musl | Articles

article | December 17, 2015

Hey girls! We recognize that standing for truth in school can be tough. (That’s true no matter where you go to school.) We want to equip you to live God’s truth and teach it to others, so we’ve created “Stand for Truth …

Should I Have a Sad Face During Communion? | Articles

article | May 28, 2015

Today’s post is about our posture during communion. Before we dig in, would you mind doing a little research? Am I supposed to have a sad face during communion? What Am I Supposed to Think About During Communion? I already confessed my …

Cry Out #5: The Mighty Roar of Prayer | Articles

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article | October 29, 2020

Lately I have been hearing from many women that they are feeling overwhelmed by the attacks of the enemy on their ministries, marriages, or children. The war in the heavenlies that we are told about in Ephesians 6:12 seems to be raging …

Best Of: What Is True Friendship? | Articles

article | January 8, 2013

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the seventh grade. I had just dialed in the combination to my locker when an avalanche occurred. Someone had filled my locker to the brim with hygiene products. When I opened …

Loving Your Future Husband | Articles

article | February 11, 2014

Growing up, my commitment to my future husband was to simply save my physical purity for him-a commitment I didn't always live out very successfully. I viewed purity as "the edge of a cliff" and told myself that as long as I …

When DIY Becomes DI-Don’t | Articles

article | July 24, 2020

If you knew me well, you’d quickly learn that I’m not an arts-and-crafts person. Even my best attempts at “easy, follow-along” projects somehow seem to go awry. Just ask my family about my attempt to paint a landscape scene of some birch …