
897 Results

4 Ways God Strengthens You for Ministry Right Now | Articles

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article | April 13, 2020

As the global health crisis marches on, it might be appealing to remove your leader hat, stuff it in the back of your closet, and go undercover until the storm passes. It’s an enticing idea when you feel overwhelmed by the compounding …

Get Lost: Three Qualities Of A Girl Who Is Lost In God | Articles

article | July 1, 2013

1. Are you seeking accountability from older women? The purposes in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out (Prov. 20:5). As the sun set on Tuesday, I went to God. He sat with …

One Thing We’re Loving: Your Mission from God | Articles

article | March 27, 2020

One Thing We’re Loving: Jess Connolly’s latest book, You Are the Girl for the Job. I’ve recommended this book to so many people. But I won’t lie, it’s not a book I would’ve naturally picked up on my own until I heard …

Does God Still Reveal Whom We Should Marry? | Articles

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article | December 28, 2017

The Lord answered Abraham’s prayer for a wife for his son Isaac with a sign and a drinking jar (Gen. 24). He told Hosea exactly when he should seek a wife and what kind of woman she should be (Hos. 1:2). An …

How to Share Your Testimony So That Others Think GOD is Awesome . | Articles

article | July 14, 2011

Hey, chicas! You've been reading our testimonies all this week . . . now we'd love to hear yours. Here are a few tips to think about as you tell others what God has done in your life: Be brief. People are …

The Bare Facts: Why Are God And the Bible So Negative About Sex? | Articles

article | November 8, 2011

Yesterday we launched a series on the subject of sex. Our goal is to tackle your tough questions armed with God's Word! One question I've often wondered is, why is God so negative about sex? You wanna know the answer? He isn't! …

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #8: How to Honor God | Articles

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article | August 29, 2019

I’m applauding Linda Green for her wisdom on honoring God by submitting to our leaders—Tool #8 in the Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide series. This tool isn’t always easy to follow but it’s essential if we love God and want to flourish …

It's Good To Be A Girl | Articles

article | August 20, 2013

I was the girls' wrestling champion my eighth-grade year. We had a wrestling tournament in PE class. The winners kept advancing. I must have pinned a lot of girls to the mat because I ended up in the championship match, which happened …

Preparing for Revival | Articles

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article | February 19, 2023

While there is no "recipe" that will guarantee revival, God's Word outlines the conditions that must precede a visitation of His presence in revival. Nowhere are those conditions spelled out more clearly than in 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people, which are …

How Get Most Pastor's Preaching | Articles

article | June 8, 2011

Do you ever find yourself . . . waking up on Sunday morning and wishing you didn’t have to go to church? having a hard time staying awake in church? daydreaming during the message or making a mental to-do list while the …