
897 Results

Book Club: Crazy Busy, Chapter 9 | Articles

article | July 25, 2016

Welcome back to our Summer Book Club! We are on the home stretch of our summer study through Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. This week we take a look at Chapter 9: “Embracing the Burdens of Busyness” and wrestle with the idea …

Summer Book Club: Finale! | Articles

article | July 31, 2016

If someone recorded your life for one week and then showed the footage to a group of strangers, what would they guess is the priority in your life? What is the one thing you must get done every day? Posting on Facebook? …

10 Reasons You Can't Afford Not to Be Hospitable | Articles

article | October 31, 2007

Hospitality is one of the most practical ways to express the love of Christ. Hospitality reflects the hospitable heart of God. Hospitality is a great way to build unity and community with other believers. The Bible promises rewards for those who practice …

You Were Created for True Intimacy | Articles

article | May 15, 2019

My wedding day was less than three weeks away. I could hardly wait to finally marry the man I had already pledged my life and love to. My longings for marriage, intimacy, and a lifelong companion would finally be realized. As the …

He Won’t Make All of Your Dreams Come True | Articles

article | January 14, 2020

I grew up just like many of you probably did—watching princess movies and reading fairy tales. From a young age, I quickly formed this idea that romance and marriage were the essence of a happily ever after. And they lived happily ever …

Facilitating Discussion | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

When you facilitate discussion in a small group where the women have done homework, it is easy to fall into the trap of answering all the questions yourself if no one from the group volunteers. Whenever you can encourage discussion, it helps …

Summer Book Club: Ditching the Attitude | Articles

article | July 9, 2018

I hope you’re enjoying and learning from Family: How to Love Yours (and Help Them Like You Back) as you read a chapter every week with me this summer. (And if you’re on the fence, it’s still not too late to join …

Announcing Our First Ever #SaltAndLight Awards! | Articles

article | April 18, 2016

Extra! Extra! Watch all about it. Announcing our first ever #SaltAndLight Awards for girls who use social media for good. If your computer is YouTube impaired and you missed the video, here’s a quick recap. We see you using social media for …

From The Archives: A Texting Taboo | Articles

article | May 16, 2013

I've noticed a trend in lots of my friends your age. Yes, I admit, it's become a pet peeve. This might not be true of you, but lots of the girls I know text all the time and at all the wrong …

The God of Heaven Rules | Articles

article | September 11, 2023

The Most High rules the kingdom of men And gives it to whom He will And sets over it the lowliest of men. He changes times and seasons, He removes kings and sets up kings, He gives wisdom to the wise And …