
654 Results

The New Testament in One Blog Post | Articles

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article | January 16, 2020

While the Old Testament leaves us with a cliffhanger—will the promised Messiah ever come?—the New Testament explodes with His arrival, beginning with the account of Christ’s life, ministry, death, and resurrection in the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each one …

A Prayer for the Start of the Ministry Year | Articles

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article | September 2, 2019

It’s that time of year again. The kids head back to school, and a new year of Bible studies begin. Women’s ministry teams meet to discuss and plan events, retreats, and activities for the year. Goals are set, Bible studies chosen, activities …

A Prayer for Women by Pastor John Piper | Articles

article | May 23, 2011

My earnest challenge and prayer for you is . . . . . . That all of your life—in whatever calling—be devoted to the glory of God. . . . That the promises of Christ be trusted so fully that peace and …

Hope for Uncertain Times | Articles

article | November 24, 2008

Seasons of adversity—economic or otherwise—do not catch God off guard. He knows everything that is going on in our world. He also knows what lies ahead. He is orchestrating all things to fulfill His eternal, redemptive purposes and to glorify Himself. God …

Should Christians befriend non-Christians? | Articles

article | August 17, 2009

I love it when the blog starts to buzz. We've just started our conversation on friendship, but already many of you are wondering, "Is it okay to be friends with (fill in the blank)?" or "should I stop being friends with someone …

Begin At My Sanctuary | Articles

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article | February 18, 2023

As followers of Christ, we often come together to cry out to God on behalf of our nation. In doing so, we acknowledge there are no human solutions to the tidal wave of evil in our land and that nothing short of …

Mourning with Hope When Our Lives Are Uncertain | Articles

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article | April 16, 2020

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4) This past week many of us have felt some combination of shock, sadness, and anxiety. Suddenly, many of us are homeschooling moms with hordes of toilet paper and very little …

A Leader’s Preparation for Revival | Articles

article | January 30, 2023

Is your heart longing for revival? Do you desire for your life to be used as an instrument of revival? Will you be ready when the winds of revival begin to blow? While there is no formula that will guarantee revival, God’s …

Is This Revival? An Appeal for Discernment | Articles

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article | March 1, 2009

Nearly thirty years ago, when Life Action Ministries first began, hardly anyone was talking about revival. The term itself was uncomfortable, if not foreign, to most believers--except for some in the Bible belt who equated “revival” with a week of meetings geared …

Leaders Are Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners, Too | Articles

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article | June 29, 2020

Author’s note: For this title, I’m indebted to Mike Emlet, author and biblical counselor with CCEF, who taught me how helpful it is to view people (including myself!) we seek to counsel or disciple as saints, sufferers, and sinners. He unpacks these …