
654 Results

How I Know You Will Get Married | Articles

article | July 21, 2014

As far as I'm concerned, there's only one way that movies should ever end. Having faced whatever challenge the movie plot was about and won, the couple (because there is always a couple) should kiss. The camera should spin, and they should …

Persisting in Prayer When You Feel Like Giving Up | Articles

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article | February 1, 2021

Have you ever prayed for something or for someone for so long that you were tempted to give up? Have you grown weary of praying in your flesh but know in your heart you should continue? If you have, you’re not alone. …

Are Crushes Okay? | Articles

article | February 8, 2011

Hey, girls! We've been talking about guys and romance for years here on the blog. In fact, we are revisiting some of our most read posts this month as part of our attempt to give you some great advice on the subject …

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #3: If You Don’t Feel | Articles

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article | August 12, 2019

Buckle up your tool belt, leaders! Christina Fox is on the blog today to equip us with tool #3 in the Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide series. Have you ever felt weak and incapable of leading? I sure have! Christina teaches us …

A Friendship Check-up | Articles

article | August 12, 2009

Few things matter more to us girls than our friends. Friends have the power to perk us up when we're sad, make us laugh until our sides hurt, speak truth in love, and "get us" in ways that no one else seems …

Free at Last | Articles

article | February 7, 2012

In my teenage years, I became a slave to bulimia. I loved and enjoyed food, but I didn't want it to "catch up with me." How delighted I was to find this way of eating what I wanted without consequences—or so I …

Lies We’ve Believed About Gossip | Articles

article | August 30, 2017

Last month, Bethany asked us to wrestle with this question in one of her Summer Book Club updates: What are some ordinary or accepted sins you struggle with? Wrestle I did, and one answer kept pinning me to the mat—gossip. It’s an …

6 Resolutions for a Better Single Life This Year | Articles

article | March 7, 2016

I've noticed a trend on my social media feed. Maybe you've seen these titles, too: "10 Ways to Make Your Marriage Thrive This Year" "4 Steps to Become a Better Wife This Year" "1 Habit that Will Change Your Marriage This Year" …

25 Rules for Strong Friendships | Articles

article | June 14, 2018

We could all use a little help in the relationship department from time to time. Here are twenty-five “rules” for friendship, straight out of the book of Proverbs. Rule #1: Don’t get mad over nothing. Do not contend with a man for …

Sinful Single, Sinful Bride | Articles

article | August 29, 2018

I’m twenty-nine years old, and I still struggle to shake this one big fat lie. It’s a lie that keeps single girls discontent and married women unhappy. So what is this whopper of a lie that deceives us so often? That my …