
654 Results

Book Club: This Changes Everything, Chapter 7 | Articles

article | July 24, 2017

We’re on the downhill slope of summer break. It will be time to head back to school before you know it. That means we just have two chapters left in our Summer Book Club pick, This Changes Everything by Jaquelle Crowe. Where …

It’s My Fault You’re Still Single | Articles

article | April 17, 2017

Relationship status? Single. That’s true of most of you. That’s not necessarily big news. Singleness isn’t a curse or a season to be “endured.” It’s not a disease or something to seek out a cure for. But I’ve been paying attention, and …

How to Pray for Your Church | Articles

article | July 13, 2017

The letters to the seven churches in Revelation reveal Christ’s heart and His concerns for His church. They also provide a basis for us to know how to pray for the church in general and for our local churches in particular. Here …

A Beautiful Song | Articles

article | September 27, 2017

We’re shaking things up a bit round here on the Lies blog. Instead of blog posts, we’ll be leading you through an online Bible study for the next two weeks. The study comes from Erin’s books, A Beautiful Story and Beautiful Encounters. …

Letting Your Family Off the Hook of Perfection | Articles

article | February 22, 2016

Your sister won't stop borrowing your clothes without asking. You're sure your brother was adopted from a den of bears because of his habit of leaving food and garbage everywhere. Your dad is too strict. Your mom is too busy. I could …

What is True Friendship? | Articles

article | June 17, 2008

I was sitting in on the Sunday school class for high school students at my church Sunday. It was Father’s Day and the teacher was telling his students that they needed to take the opportunity to thank their dads. He said, “your …

Jesus Is Better Than Your Youth Group | Articles

article | July 27, 2020

Some of my very fondest memories involve my youth group. Long bus rides fueled by road trip snacks . . . Times of worship when the presence of God felt close enough to touch . . . Retreats that changed me forever …

Handling Group Dynamics | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

The Shy Member: 1) Prompt her to share on easier questions. A safe question to ask is if she would like to “add her comments” to the discussion. Try saying, “I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on_______” or “We don’t …

When Your Heart Needs a Pep Talk | Articles

article | March 16, 2015

My heart is way too good at being sad. Bogged down. Bummed out. Frustrated, annoyed, wearied, and so done with everything. I’m really good at feeling extra insecure about all kinds of things. My hair, my makeup, the way I get tongue-tied …

Before You Sign Up for a Summer Mission Trip | Articles

article | June 13, 2017

To help you make the most of the next few months, we’ve pulled some posts from our archives about summer. Here’s one to help you decide if you should take a summer mission trip. I love mission trips! The experience, the ministry, …