
654 Results

The Great Leadership Paradox | Articles

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article | May 28, 2020

When you think about the qualities of a leader, what characteristics come to mind? Someone who is courageous? Strong? An encourager? What about . . . a follower? When I became a worship leader at my home church, my understanding of leadership …

Hope For Those Who Cut | Articles

article | August 5, 2010

"I used to cut myself or jump out of airplanes, trying to find something new to push up against because sometimes everything else felt too easy. I was searching for something deeper, something more. I tried everything. I always felt caged, closed …

God is My Good Luck Charm | Articles

article | December 16, 2010

I'm not much of a sports fan, so when I sit down to catch a game with my husband or head to the ballpark with my two boys I tend to pay attention to anything but the plays. Maybe that's why I …

How to Fall in Love with the Bible (Part 1) | Articles

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article | January 6, 2020

Christianity is wearisome, and Bible study is boring. Yes, I said it. But never out loud. Only in my private prayers did I dare voice my frustration and discouragement. Failure fatigue had worn me down. I’d lost my will to try even …

6 Questions to Ask Every Time You Post | Articles

article | December 2, 2015

Before you post on social media, ask yourself these six questions. 1. Is it true? I know this one might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes we blur the lines of what’s true and what isn’t online. I find it especially tempting …

Before You Set the Table | Articles

article | November 15, 2017

Imagine it’s Thanksgiving morning and festivities will be held at your house this year. Your family sleeps in. No one is in any rush to get started. Your dad forgot to thaw the turkey, so you’ll be having your dinner with a …

Nurture Their Potential: 5 Ways to Encourage Reluctant Leaders | Articles

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article | July 2, 2018

“It’s not my season to lead.” “I don’t have the right spiritual gifts.” “Leading/mentoring just isn’t my thing.” “I don’t feel qualified.” Sound familiar? When meeting with women in small groups and through mentoring relationships, I’ve heard these responses quite often as …

Christmas in Reverse | Articles

article | December 15, 2016

Christmas morning isn’t the final destination, you know? It’s more like our starting point. Long after the presents are unwrapped and the Christmas candy is eaten, the hope of Christmas remains. Jesus didn’t stay in a manger; He didn’t remain a babe …

From The Archives: How Would Jesus Celebrate Christmas? | Articles

article | December 21, 2011

Most years I tend to lose sight of Jesus somewhere between the deals of Black Friday and the dawn of a new year. Of course I understand that Jesus is the real reason for the season, but the frantic pace I usually …

Don’t Rob Us of You | Articles

article | September 26, 2016

I have a friend who likes to remind me that "there is no spleen in the kingdom of God." Let me explain with a brief anatomy lesson. The spleen is a tiny organ just to the left of your stomach. I doubt …