
654 Results

Consider Those Who Are New | Articles

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article | August 8, 2016

We just moved from one state to another. Everywhere I go, I am new. I am new to the neighborhood, new to the church, new to my kids' activities. The roads are new to me. The way things are done in each …

Why This is the Most Important Week of the Year | Articles

article | April 18, 2011

Yesterday marked the beginning of the seven days leading up to the resurrection of Jesus. It's called Holy Week because there's never been a more sacred seven days. Something huge and important happened every day this week more than 2,000 years ago, …

4 Signs Your God Is Too Small | Articles

article | March 5, 2015

God is big. He is so big that: He measured the waters of Earth in the palm of His hand (Isa. 40:12). He marked off the skies with the distance between His thumb and little finger (Isa. 40:12). He made doors to …

How would Jesus celebrate Christmas? | Articles

article | December 20, 2010

Most years I tend to lose sight of Jesus somewhere between the deals of Black Friday and the dawn of a new year. Of course I understand that Jesus is the real reason for the season, but the frantic pace I usually …

When Leaders Unite Across Generation Gaps | Articles

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article | July 3, 2017

I am privileged to serve as a women’s ministry director at a large church among people of every stage of life. In the twenty years I have been on staff, I’ve witnessed many changes, especially in the way we communicate. As a …

10 Reasons Why It Will Be Okay | Articles

article | October 12, 2015

When we’re going through something difficult, we just want someone to look us in the eye and assure us, “It will be okay.” I don’t know what you’re facing now or what’s right around the corner, but I’d love to be that …

My Love-Hate Relationship with Social Media | Articles

article | April 30, 2015

Raise your hand if you like social media. My hand is way up because I give social media a big thumbs up. As a young journalist, I’m ultra enthusiastic about the way today’s growing social platforms connect us and inform us. And …

Is It Okay to Think God's Scary? | Articles

article | October 23, 2014

Note: I asked the readers of this blog to finish this sentence: "Is it okay to . . . ?" One reader responded this way, "Is it okay to ask God questions or confess to Him that sometimes He is kinda scary?" …

How to Lovingly Turn Him Down | Articles

article | February 7, 2018

If I have the story right, after my dad asked my mom out, she commented to a friend, “Why do the creepy guys always ask me out?” (Obviously she changed her mind about my dad not too long after that!) Maybe you …

How to Pray When Someone You Love Is Stuck in Sin | Articles

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article | March 25, 2015

One reader recently asked this hard question . . . “Can you write about how to pray for someone (like a dad or brother) struggling with sin?” I can read between those lines. That question wasn’t hypothetical. It wasn’t based on something …