
654 Results

The Real Deal: What True Womanhood Is All About | Articles

article | July 30, 2012

My head hurt. In fact, my head really, really hurt every single day for more than a year. I've always had headaches off and on, but about a year and a half ago, one decided to move in full-time at the base …

Stand for Truth Thursday: A Christian Girl's Guide to Prom | Articles

article | April 14, 2016

Here are ten questions to consider as you head into prom season. 1. Should I go to prom? There isn't an eleventh commandment stating, "Thou shalt not go to prom!" and there's no New Testament verse stating, "Go to prom, as I …

5 Things to Try When You Don’t Want to Study the Bible | Articles

article | August 3, 2020

I believe that the Bible is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16). I have experienced the transformational power of God’s Word. I know that reading Scripture is the best way to know God and to become more like Him. And yet . . . …

Avoiding Open Mic Night | Articles

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article | November 16, 2020

I was in a prayer meeting with trusted brothers and sisters in Christ, and yet I squirmed! I’d been encouraged, inspired, and drawn toward the Lord so many times through this specific gathering, but that morning was different. When unneeded details were …

30 Proverbs for Your School Year | Articles

article | September 4, 2017

When I think back to my middle school and high school days, my mind’s eye pulls up a cloud of never-ending homework assignments, best friend sleepovers, football games, dance rehearsals, and running through the long halls toward the cafeteria when the lunch …

Don’t Skip the Begets | Articles

article | November 16, 2020

The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died. When Seth had lived 105 years, he fathered Enosh. Seth lived …

Ideas to Jumpstart Prayer | Articles

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article | April 4, 2016

There's nothing quite like promoting a prayer gathering . . . and then arriving to discover you're the only one in attendance! It's happened to me more than once, sadly. Of course, it's still worth praying whether two, twenty, or 200 are …

The Book of Ruth: So Much More Than a Love Story | Articles

article | January 18, 2017

One of my all-time favorite promises for God’s people is found in Romans 8:28: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. I wonder if anyone …

33 Ways to Spark True Womanhood | Articles

article | January 15, 2015

Is your heart burning to see more women experience the joy and freedom of walking in God's unique design for womanhood . . . just like you have? Wondering how to get the fire ignited? You're not alone. In fact, it's one …

Danger Ahead: When Mature Leaders Rely on Experience | Articles

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article | July 31, 2017

The longer you walk with God, the more dangerous the path. It’s dangerous not because of hardship and suffering (though they may be present) but because of the temptation to rely on your ever-growing experience instead of on Christ alone. Amplifying this …