
654 Results

Ideas to Jumpstart Prayer | Articles

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article | April 4, 2016

There's nothing quite like promoting a prayer gathering . . . and then arriving to discover you're the only one in attendance! It's happened to me more than once, sadly. Of course, it's still worth praying whether two, twenty, or 200 are …

Three Reasons Why the Trinity Matters | Articles

article | March 13, 2014

the·ol·o·gy noun : the study of God We study God through His Word each Thursday on the blog. Our goal is to present the truth of God in a way you can digest and apply. This week we'll tackle the Trinity found …

33 Ways to Spark True Womanhood | Articles

article | January 15, 2015

Is your heart burning to see more women experience the joy and freedom of walking in God's unique design for womanhood . . . just like you have? Wondering how to get the fire ignited? You're not alone. In fact, it's one …

The Bare Facts: Why Are God And the Bible So Negative About Sex? | Articles

article | November 8, 2011

Yesterday we launched a series on the subject of sex. Our goal is to tackle your tough questions armed with God's Word! One question I've often wondered is, why is God so negative about sex? You wanna know the answer? He isn't! …

Confessions of a Former Virgin | Articles

article | August 28, 2017

There’s no point in trying to sugarcoat it, this blog post will be awkward. Talking about sex almost always is. I think it’s important for us to go there anyway because . . . It’s tempting to question if God’s standards are …

How to Study Your Bible, Part 2 | Articles

article | July 3, 2014

The words of the Bible have life-changing power (1 Thess. 2:13) and can accomplish God’s purposes. It is His Word that produces new life (1 Pet. 1:22–25), combats sin (Ps. 119:9–11), causes spiritual growth (1 Pet. 2:2), reveals our true motives (Heb. …

Is Doubting God A Sin? | Articles

article | April 5, 2011

Definition of doubt: To lack confidence in To consider unlikely To be uncertain Many of you have commented lately that you are wrestling with feelings of doubt and discouragement in the area of faith. Some of youmention doubt casually as if it's …

The Book of Ruth: So Much More Than a Love Story | Articles

article | January 18, 2017

One of my all-time favorite promises for God’s people is found in Romans 8:28: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. I wonder if anyone …

When Your Testimony Doesn’t Shock and Awe | Articles

article | November 30, 2016

There’s just something about a story. We all love to hear tales of transformation. True metamorphosis pulls us to the very edge of our seats. We are moved to tears by the testimonies of sinners transformed into saints. But what if your …

Three Ministry Warnings from the Life of Paul | Articles

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article | January 22, 2024

Picture a person fiercely committed to doing God’s work. Let’s call him P. P was raised in a ministry home. He committed his life to serving God at a young age, attended the most rigorous Bible college, and became a talented and …