
897 Results

The Real Deal: What True Womanhood Is All About | Articles

article | July 30, 2012

My head hurt. In fact, my head really, really hurt every single day for more than a year. I've always had headaches off and on, but about a year and a half ago, one decided to move in full-time at the base …

Children's Biography Reading List | Articles

article | November 18, 2010

Heroes of the Faith Series: John Bunyan: Author of Pilgrim’s Progress Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned Jonathan Edwards: The Great Awakener Jim Elliot: Missionary to Ecuador David Livingstone: Missionary and Explorer D.L. Moody: The American Evangelist John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace …

Summer Book Club: The Family Secret | Articles

article | June 18, 2018

From the LYWB blog team: Happy Monday to our amazing readers! Thanks for kicking off the Summer Book Club with us. We hope you’ll grab a copy of Family: How to Love Yours (and Help Them Like You Back) for yourself and …

Book Club: Dreams, Meet Diaper Rash | Articles

article | June 25, 2018

From the LYWB blog team: We just finished reading chapter two of Family: How to Love Yours (And Help Them Like You Back) by Jessie Minassian, but it’s not too late to grab your own copy and start the study with us. …

One Thing We’re Loving | Articles

article | May 1, 2020

What’s one thing we’re loving this week? It’s this brand-new Revive Our Hearts booklet, Uncommon Compassion: Revealing the Heart of Christ, by one of our favorites, Erin Davis! From the Garden to the Gospels, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a …

Today's Woman | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

I have grown up in a generation in which terms such as “women's lib,” “feminism,” “equal rights,” and “egalitarian marriage” are practically household words. Our society no longer promotes God's values for the woman. Femininity, modesty, discretion, virtue, and graciousness are seemingly …

Summer Book Club: Declaring Random Acts of Kindness Week | Articles

article | August 4, 2015

Welcome to week seven of the Summer Book Club! We hope you’ve been following along as we’ve worked through True Woman 201: Interior Design by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Mary Kassian. This week we looked at benevolence. If you’re scratching your …

Five Ways to Honor Your Husband | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

A wife can honor her husband by: Making sure her behavior is beyond reproach. A woman’s behavior affects how others see her husband. Not dishonoring his name in any way before others. “Husband bashing” has become far too common when women get …

Your Philosophy Is Showing | Articles

article | June 8, 2011

World’s Philosophy 1. Beauty is external and physical. 2. The body is all-important; the spirit is secondary or non-existent. 3. Your body is your identity. 4. You are the product of evolution. Your body belongs to you. 5. Dress for people to …

Do You Ever Feel Like Everyone at Church is Judging You? | Articles

article | February 12, 2009

"Everyone at church is judging me" was one of the whopper lies we uncovered during our research. In fact over 90 percent of the girls we talked to agreed with the statement "churches judge more than they love." This deception manifested itself …