
654 Results

Pass the Baton: How You Can Identify and Equip Younger Leaders | Articles

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article | August 3, 2022

Do you long to make room for younger women to lead? Do you lose sleep wondering how you’re supposed to pass the baton to the next generation? As a leader, you may sense the Lord nudging you to pour into younger women—but …

The Old Testament in One Blog Post | Articles

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article | January 13, 2020

The first verse of the Bible says this, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). He did this in just six days, and the work culminated with the creation of man and woman—Adam and Eve. God created …

The Wonder of the Incarnation | Articles

article | December 21, 2011

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1, 14). The Infinite became finite. The immortal became mortal. The Creator …

From a Leader’s Heart: Reflections on 2020 and Beyond | Articles

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article | December 28, 2020

To women’s leaders around the world, We made it! By God’s grace, we made it through the hardest year of leadership we’ve ever encountered. 2020 was disruptive, chaotic, exasperating, immobilizing, exhausting (go ahead and add your words to the list!) Let’s exhale …

When You're Scared to Share the Gospel | Articles

article | August 7, 2014

When my husband, Eric, was in his early twenties, he went on a mission trip to inner city New Orleans. One night his team decided to do street evangelism on Bourbon Street, holding up a large wooden cross as a visual demonstration …

A Guide to Steadfast Prayer in a Crisis | Articles

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article | March 30, 2020

I’ve never suffered from vertigo, but I’m told an inner ear infection disrupts your balance and throws off your equilibrium. You may be feeling a similar kind of disorientation during the coronavirus pandemic as Bible studies, small groups and events are temporarily …

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge | Articles

article | May 20, 2011

Introduction Welcome to the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge! It didn’t take many weeks of marriage for me to learn that my attitudes and words have a profound effect on my husband. I have the ability to make Robert feel encouraged and cherished. …

There’s Hope When You’re Disappointed in Ministry | Articles

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article | February 4, 2019

There are countless reasons why leaders can feel disappointed in ministry. I’ve had my fair share of disappointments, and I bet you have, too. It’s true, no matter how hard we work, often things simply don’t go the way we plan or …

Women Teaching in the Church? | Articles

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article | August 17, 2015

It may be better to sleep on the corner of the rooftop than live with a quarrelsome woman, but friends, educate that woman, and there is hardly a limit to what she can do with her mouth and mind—for good or evil. …

Am I a Life-Giving or Life-Taking Leader? | Articles

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article | February 25, 2019

If I could have one crazy wish granted, it would be the chance to sit around my kitchen table with women’s leaders (that’s you!) to talk about Jesus, the joys and challenges of leading women, and to pray together. As a leader, …