
654 Results

The Bare Facts: Why Are God And the Bible So Negative About Sex? | Articles

article | November 8, 2011

Yesterday we launched a series on the subject of sex. Our goal is to tackle your tough questions armed with God's Word! One question I've often wondered is, why is God so negative about sex? You wanna know the answer? He isn't! …

Offer a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving | Articles

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article | November 18, 2019

I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High. (Psalm 7:17) I will never forget a season of my life about sixteen years ago when …

Drag Your Struggle Into the Light | Articles

article | November 16, 2010

@font-face { font-family: "Garamond"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.txt, li.txt, div.txt { margin: 3pt 0in; text-indent: 0.25in; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.txt-opnggraf, li.txt-opnggraf, div.txt-opnggraf { margin: 3pt 0in; font-size: 12pt; …

Three Reasons Why the Trinity Matters | Articles

article | March 13, 2014

the·ol·o·gy noun : the study of God We study God through His Word each Thursday on the blog. Our goal is to present the truth of God in a way you can digest and apply. This week we'll tackle the Trinity found …

Connected | Articles

article | October 17, 2014

Daisies and T-Top Corvettes I was just about to start cooking supper when my mom called out of the blue. "Can we come pick up the boys and take them to the movies?" Hot diggity! My night just got a lot more …

The Christian Life in 3 Simple Phrases | Articles

article | February 2, 2018

Have you ever heard someone say something you’ve not been able to shake? Something that has changed your life and become part of you? That almost never happens to me. (I have a terrible memory, so remembering what people say is pretty …

Are you Mad at God? | Articles

article | April 14, 2010

Have you ever prayed for healing that never came? Have you ever faced a loss that didn’t make sense? Have you ever desired to serve God but been denied the opportunity? Have you ever been mad at God? I know this isn’t …

When Temptation Hits, Look for the Escape Hatch | Articles

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article | June 17, 2020

Strap on your thinking caps, friends. To get God’s truth stamped into our minds and hearts, today we are going to use our imaginations. Ready? Picture yourself in a room. The walls are covered with posters of whatever it is that tempts …

Don’t Check Jesus off Your List | Articles

article | January 10, 2018

I’m a list person. Each morning, I write out a list of things that l need to get done that day. Laundry, an art job for someone, music practice, clean the house for company, write a blog post. . . Each day …

Heaven Rules | Articles

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article | September 22, 2022

A ruler—a smooth edged strip used for measuring. A ruler—one possessing supreme power to reign. Trouble when We call ourselves rulers. Use a broken stick as a measure. Think finite minds can gauge the scope Delineate things of infinite scale. When ego …