
654 Results

Summer Book Club: Declaring Random Acts of Kindness Week | Articles

article | August 4, 2015

Welcome to week seven of the Summer Book Club! We hope you’ve been following along as we’ve worked through True Woman 201: Interior Design by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Mary Kassian. This week we looked at benevolence. If you’re scratching your …

Are you Miss Fix-It? | Articles

article | August 17, 2010

During my junior year of high school, I got really stressed out. So much so that my parents thought it would be wise for me to see a counselor. That counselor didn't uncover some deep dark secret or a hidden wound from …

Is It Okay to Want to Be Famous? | Articles

article | September 10, 2014

I've got a secret I've never confessed to anyone. Until now . . . I want to be famous. For as long as I can remember, I've had a secret desire to be a famous author. God has graciously allowed part of …

4 Strategies for Living at Home as an Adult | Articles

article | March 26, 2018

My younger sisters (Ellissa, Rebekah, and Suzanna) and I sat in our kitchen nook late into the night. We chatted about our weeks and then landed on this topic: How to be an adult daughter who chooses to live at home. Rebekah …