
654 Results

How to (Biblically) Encourage Your Ministry Team | Articles

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article | March 9, 2020

Above the desk in my office, I have a ribbon-covered bulletin board where I slide in notes and cards I receive. Included on the board are thank-you cards from churches where I’ve spoken, notes from friends in ministry, and letters from women …

Our Hope Doesn’t Die After Easter | Articles

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article | April 18, 2019

Leader, can you use a fresh infusion of hope? Say no more . . . beginning Easter Monday, April 22, the Leader Connection blog is bringing you a ten-day True Hope Challenge! Let’s linger a while in the resurrection joy that fills …

The Best/Worst Day Ever | Articles

article | February 17, 2023

Today my calendar is stamped with the words “Good Friday.” What a strange way to commemorate this date. At least that’s how it seems at first. If we could travel through time to the first “good Friday,” today would not feel like …

When Do We Need Revival? | Articles

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article | February 17, 2023

Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth. Stir up your might and come to save us! Turn again, O God of hosts! Look down from heaven, and see; have regard for this vine. Restore …

I Am a Leader for Christ . . . I Am the Mother of a Prodigal,Pt.1 | Articles

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article | October 26, 2015

How well I remember sitting one day with a group of fellow Christian leaders sharing prayer requests for our children. As I listened to their requests for safe, successful mission trips and fruitful youth group excursions, my own weary heart broke once …

What's the Purpose of a Wedding? | Articles

article | May 20, 2015

My wedding is less than three months away, so I’m frequently asked the same question by many caring people at church, in the grocery store checkout line, at the bank, and at Starbucks. “Are you excited for the wedding?” they’ll ask with …

How's Your Love Life? | Articles

article | June 2, 2011

The world is desperate for love, but sadly misunderstands the meaning of the word. To find the true meaning of love, we must go to the Word of God—for God is love. The Scripture tells us that God loves us. Even when …

A Hero in Her Thirties | Articles

article | November 10, 2016

We need each other, girls! Titus 2:3–5 shows us the value in listening to the wisdom of the generation of women ahead of us and carrying the banner of truth for the generation behind us. Because we want you to be inspired …

Your Invitation to Transformation: How Choosing Gratitude Leads t | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

Several years ago as I wrote Choosing Gratitude, I spent many months looking carefully at what the Scripture has to say about the grace of gratitude. I meditated on what it means to be a grateful person and why it matters. This …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 7 | Articles

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article | June 9, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1–3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured …