
654 Results

3 Ways Ministry Drifts from a Foundation of Truth | Articles

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article | July 8, 2024

I didn’t see it coming—but God planned it all along. In my wildest imagination, I never expected to have a second chance at building a women’s ministry from the ground floor, but when the Lord called me, I was all in. I …

Belonging to God | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

Most of us resist the concept of slavery. The word slave sticks in our throat, as well it should if we are speaking of one person being owned by another against his will. But it is absolutely appropriate that human beings should …

Encouraging One Another | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women, is the ministry of encouragement. We have all known what it is to be discouraged. And we all know …

Are You Settling for Ministry Without Jesus? | Articles

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article | January 22, 2024

Major W. Ian Thomas was a 20th-century evangelist who was saved at age thirteen, devoted his life to ministry at age fifteen, and four years later, found himself debilitated by round-the-clock ministry activity with meager results. He loved the Lord but His …

ABC's of Being "Spiritually Single" | Articles

article | August 1, 2008

What does “spiritually single” mean? – A “spiritually single” woman is a Christian wife who is “going it alone” either because her husband is a “pre-Christian” (unbeliever) or is a believer who is not living what he believes. These A-B-C's will help …

Preparing for Revival | Articles

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article | February 19, 2023

While there is no "recipe" that will guarantee revival, God's Word outlines the conditions that must precede a visitation of His presence in revival. Nowhere are those conditions spelled out more clearly than in 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people, which are …

Leave Neediness Out Of Mentoring | Articles

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article | March 22, 2021

"God doesn't need me." Written with dry erase marker on my mirror, this phrase greeted me every morning in 2009. I had just started a job in youth ministry and loved it! Teaching the Bible to high school girls and modeling a …

Anna: A Model of Ministry Perseverance | Articles

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article | December 16, 2019

What if your whole life was chronicled into four sentences of eighty-five words? Which defining events would be recorded for history? What words would be carefully scripted to narrate your lifetime? There is one such devoted servant in Scripture whose life is …

Insider Tips on Speaking | Articles

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article | September 14, 2015

It’s the next best thing! If you can’t make it for Revive ’15: Women Teaching Women, Revive Our Hearts is pleased to offer a LIVE stream. Make a date with us on September 25–26 . . . it’s absolutely free! Even though …

Learn to Discern: How to Recognize and Respond to Error in the Cu | Articles

article | April 18, 2008

The enemy of truth is subtle and cunning. We should not be surprised by the increase in lies and spiritual error as we near the return of Christ. The Bible says this will happen (Matt. 24:11), and God wants us to be …