
898 Results

You’re Not Alone: Tips on Navigating a Revive Our Hearts Conferen | Articles

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article | May 20, 2022

Are you thinking about bringing a group of women to True Woman ’22? Three leaders who have been in your shoes share their experiences—from big picture perspective to the details—of how they navigated previous Revive Our Hearts conferences. Meet Charity, Jackey, and …

What Is a Leader? | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

God often begins the leadership process by asking us to step out in obedience and then rely on Him to mold us, step by step, into the leader He wishes us to become. We need to give Him ourselves and our time …

3 Skills Bible Teachers Must Teach | Articles

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article | October 12, 2015

Extensive research reveals the trend of evangelical Christian's knowledge of Scripture is decreasing every year. A seminary professor made this sobering statement in a course designed to prepare the next generation of Bible teachers. As an older student sitting among mostly young …

Up Close and Personal | Articles

article | September 1, 2011

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminisces . . . How well I remember receiving that call from Dennis Rainey, which—long story short—culminated two years later in the launch of Revive Our Hearts. Dennis (founder of FamilyLife Today) had no way of knowing that his …

Should I Be Building My Own Platform? | Articles

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article | 28 janvier 2019

Are you wondering what your next Bible study will be? Here’s a suggestion: Request a complimentary Elizabeth: Dealing with Disappointment Bible Study Preview Kit! With just one click, you’ll receive a digital book copy of the latest study in the Women of …

Hope for Uncertain Times | Articles

article | November 24, 2008

Seasons of adversity—economic or otherwise—do not catch God off guard. He knows everything that is going on in our world. He also knows what lies ahead. He is orchestrating all things to fulfill His eternal, redemptive purposes and to glorify Himself. God …

15 Ways to Spark True Womanhood | Articles

article | February 2, 2015

There are things we women tend to hoard—like the last piece of decadent chocolate in the candy jar. Then, there are things we women are intended to share. God meant for us to share the truths of biblical womanhood like we own …

When Plans Don’t Go Your Way | Articles

article | May 20, 2020

I had dreamed of this day since I was a little girl. I would wear the most beautiful white dress surrounded by all my family and friends as I promised forever to the most amazing man. I knew it was a dream …

5 Ways to Pray | Articles

article | December 4, 2020

When you receive a job offer . . . When your health results come back as questionable . . . When you need to decide on your future plans, moving or school or working . . . When you did something you’re …

Recommended Resource List | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Revive Our Hearts carefully selects and recommends resources that we believe are true to the Scripture and will help people grow in their faith. However, Revive Our Hearts does not necessarily agree with every point in every resource or endorse the entire …