
897 Results

Thanksgiving . . . or Thanksliving? | Articles

article | November 10, 2014

"Thanksgiving really should be thanksliving—a way of life—day in, day out, morning, noon, and night—continually, forever giving thanks to the Lord." ~ Nancy Leigh DeMoss Such a lifestyle is depicted in Ps. 92:1–2, "It is good to give thanks to the LORD, …

From The Archives: Not Feeling It | Articles

article | December 22, 2011

Some years I get all caught up in the warm fuzzies of Christmas. My eyes tear up during candlelight service on Christmas Eve. I read the Christmas story with wonder. I am inspired to share the gospel with friends and neighbors after …

Will You Take The Gospel Challenge? | Articles

article | June 25, 2013

During the school year my mom and I direct the girls' AWANA program at my church. (AWANA is a ministry that partners with local churches to teach kids the Bible). My job is to run the third through sixth grade girls' program. …

Is it Possible to Know God Without Knowing His Word? | Articles

article | January 7, 2009

I was listening to Nancy’s radio series “Getting into the Word and Getting the Word into You” earlier this week. Her thoughts about the significance of knowing and loving God’s Word hit me like a two-by-four right between the eyes. She said, …

Does Submission Equal Silence? | Articles

article | September 16, 2009

Yesterday I hit you with some heavy truth about submission. I know that truth can be a particularly hard pill to swallow. Submission, especially to our parents, can be really, really tough. I get that. But I trust that God knows what …

Mothering Advice from My Mom | Articles

article | February 18, 2010

Since I've got motherhood on the brain this month, I decided to sit down with my own mom to get her take on being a mom. Check it out. Q: Did you always want to be a mom? A: The answer is …

Leslie’s Prayer: Cry Out for Salvation | Articles

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article | October 26, 2020

Editor’s Note: You can pray with Leslie each Wednesday in the Revive Our Hearts Leader Facebook Group. Catch her Together in Prayer videos weekly, and watch for a special edition to pray for our nation’s election on November 1–3. The Lord is …

Hope For Those Who Cut | Articles

article | August 5, 2010

"I used to cut myself or jump out of airplanes, trying to find something new to push up against because sometimes everything else felt too easy. I was searching for something deeper, something more. I tried everything. I always felt caged, closed …

Nancy's Recommended Devotional Tools | Articles

article | November 18, 2010

It is important to have a regular reading plan that includes all of God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16). Yet, at the same time, don’t put yourself in a box. Variety is healthy and keeps your times with the Lord fresh. Use different …

4 Fundamental Mistakes to Avoid in Starting a Women’s Ministry | Articles

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article | April 21, 2016

Mistakes . . . not an easy topic because it is painfully personal. I have been involved in women's ministry for thirty years and have made every imaginable mistake—more than once. And this is not just past tense. I am often shocked …