
654 Results

The Wall Is Broken Down | Articles

article | August 28, 2008

I don’t know that there has ever been a time in our nation’s history when prayer was any more desperately needed than it is at this hour. Our television screens have been flooded with images of destruction and death: from the grisly …

What’s a Mentor to Do? | Articles

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article | April 10, 2017

Carole and Jessica sit across from each other, and the awkwardness is evident. Today is the first time this mentor and mentee are meeting, and neither really knows what to do or say. They both have the same thought . . . …

The Heart of Hospitality: A Call to Follow Christ’s Example in We | Articles

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article | April 16, 2024

You’re having lunch with your family after a Sunday worship service when you hear the woman sitting behind you mention she had visited a church in the area. “It was my first time there,” she says. “But I don’t think I’m going …

10 Reasons to Trust God with the Election Results | Articles

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article | November 3, 2020

French poet Victor Hugo is quoted as saying, “And when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake." If I were to choose a word to describe the recent election season, I’d choose the word …

Free From Lies: Truth for Young Women | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

We believe the vast majority of Christian young women (and not-so-young women, too, for that matter!) are suffering the consequences of believing lies. Those consequences include broken relationships, fear, depression, self-loathing, and guilt, to name a few. The results of believing a …

How to Lead God's Family with Care | Articles

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article | February 8, 2016

You've been entrusted with a weighty responsibility. The people you lead represent the lifeblood of your ministry. But what's more, they constitute your precious blood-bought family. Take a fresh look at the apostle Paul's "family man" leadership modeled in 1 Thessalonians 2: …

Hope for Hurting Hearts: The Ministry of Encouragement | Articles

article | April 28, 2003

In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women is the ministry of encouragement. We’ve all felt the energy-draining effects of the discourager. Discouraging people drag us down …

Show Them Hope in Suffering: How to Support Women with Chronic Pa | Articles

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article | July 30, 2018

I'm a wife, mother, and member of our church, and I’m involved in women’s ministry. I'm also a woman struggling with chronic pain, which affects all of these roles. At least 100 million Americans have chronic pain. This means that one in …

Biblical Portrait of Womanhood | Articles

article | May 14, 2008

Introduction Within my lifetime, there has been a sweeping revolution-a revolution of how women view themselves and their roles, how they view men, how they view their families, and how they function in our culture. Whether they realize it or not, the …

A Crack in the Ice | Articles

article | December 24, 2018

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is …