
12 Results

The Essence of Femininity: A Personal Perspective | Articles

article | June 16, 2015

Feminists are dedicated to the proposition that the difference between men and women is a matter of mere biology. The rest of us recognize a far deeper reality, one that meets us on an altogether different plane from mere anatomical distinctions. It …

Recommended Resource List | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Revive Our Hearts carefully selects and recommends resources that we believe are true to the Scripture and will help people grow in their faith. However, Revive Our Hearts does not necessarily agree with every point in every resource or endorse the entire …

Nancy’s Favorite Biographies | Articles

article | January 9, 2017

Collections Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God by Noël Piper (Crossway, 2005) The stories of these five ordinary women—Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Alyward, Esther Ahn Kim, and Helen Roseveare—will challenge readers to make a difference for Christ in their families, in …

Children's Biography Reading List | Articles

article | November 18, 2010

Heroes of the Faith Series: John Bunyan: Author of Pilgrim’s Progress Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned Jonathan Edwards: The Great Awakener Jim Elliot: Missionary to Ecuador David Livingstone: Missionary and Explorer D.L. Moody: The American Evangelist John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace …

The One Where the Church Cried Out | Articles

article | September 30, 2020

This Present Babylon I’m no expert on ancient cultures or end-times prophecy, but as I read many of the Old Testament texts, I can’t help but see parallels to our current situation. Just look at the descriptions of Babylonian culture found in …

Help for Making Hard Decisions | Articles

article | July 2, 2015

I still remember sitting at my youth leader's kitchen table, a senior in high school, worrying about having to choose a college. A deadline was quickly approaching, and I was frustrated that God didn't send a messenger who would put me out …

3 Reasons to Read Old Dead Guys This Year | Articles

article | January 23, 2017

I hate to be bossy, but mind if I make two suggestions for your new year? Make a reading list. Make sure at least two books written by old, dead guys (or gals) make the list. If you’re like me, the classics …

Pastor’s Wife: Remember Why We Do What We Do | Articles

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article | December 17, 2020

In the midst of demanding expectations, declining church growth, and between unraveling friendships, we often question why we do what we do. As pastors’ wives, it is one thing to be looked down on by the world around you. But it is …

Leading When Your Faith Feels Weak | Articles

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article | May 21, 2018

One of my greatest joys as a women’s ministry director has always been walking alongside women, pointing them to God’s sovereignty and goodness in the midst of trials and testing. As a recipient of gospel grace, I’ve had a lifetime of experiencing …

Leaders Are Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners, Too | Articles

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article | June 29, 2020

Author’s note: For this title, I’m indebted to Mike Emlet, author and biblical counselor with CCEF, who taught me how helpful it is to view people (including myself!) we seek to counsel or disciple as saints, sufferers, and sinners. He unpacks these …