
53 Results

The Men Speak Out | Articles

article | April 14, 2010

I decided to email some men I know to ask them how we as women can affirm and encourage them to express godly masculinity in the home and church? This is what they shared with me. Express encouragement/belief in him Say "Thank …

The Men Speak Out | Articles

article | April 14, 2010

I decided to email some men I know to ask them how we as women can affirm and encourage them to express godly masculinity in the home and church? This is what they shared with me. Express encouragement/belief in him Say "Thank …

8 Warning Signs of Dating Abuse | Articles

Thumbnail of

article | February 17, 2020

I have talked to dozens of abused women, and as we unravel their story, most say something like this, “He was nothing like this until we got married.” Some will even share vivid accounts of how a switch flips on their honeymoon …

Should I Use an Online Dating Site? | Articles

article | February 5, 2018

With dating sites becoming the norm, I think we should do ourselves a favor and dig into the topic of online dating (especially as we head into this month typically focused on romantic love). Before we do, I have to be honest …

Step Up: A Male Perspective on Dating & Friendship | Articles

article | May 9, 2003

Hang around Christian singles long enough and you're sure to encounter a certain emotion. If you're guessing loneliness, guess again. The prevailing emotion is frustration. Men are frustrated because they don't understand what women want from them; and if they do have …

Lessons I Learned from My First Year of Marriage | Articles

article | February 12, 2020

The day went by in a blur. I tried my absolute best to enjoy every moment, but it went by so fast. Looking back at photos from our wedding, I wish I could go back in time and relive each moment. I …

What a Great Marriage Needs Most | Articles

article | September 14, 2017

You may have noticed a theme on the blog this week. We’ve been talking about marriage. A lot! But maybe not in the ways we usually do. We think marriage is great. It’s one of God’s very best ideas, but whether you’re …

What if You’ve Never Seen Marriage Work? | Articles

article | August 4, 2016

My parents are divorced. That sentence has been true for two-thirds of my life, and sometimes I still wince when I say it. Because it misses God's best, divorce is always painful. I've been walking around with pieces of shrapnel in my …

Best Of: A List Of Prayers For Your Future Husband | Articles

article | January 28, 2013

This vlog on praying for your future husbands was one of our most popular posts ever. . Will you take Bethany's advice and start praying for your future husband right now? As a single girl, have you ever thought about the fact …

A Strategy for Moral Purity | Articles

article | March 12, 2013

When you are tempted, remember: Resolve in your heart to honor the sacredness of your own marriage vows and the marriage vows of others. Remember that purity in marriage illustrates God’s covenant-keeping love. Rejoice in the mate that God has given you. …