
897 Results

33 Ways to Spark True Womanhood | Articles

article | January 15, 2015

Is your heart burning to see more women experience the joy and freedom of walking in God's unique design for womanhood . . . just like you have? Wondering how to get the fire ignited? You're not alone. In fact, it's one …

15 Ways to Spark True Womanhood | Articles

article | February 2, 2015

There are things we women tend to hoard—like the last piece of decadent chocolate in the candy jar. Then, there are things we women are intended to share. God meant for us to share the truths of biblical womanhood like we own …

Daily Bible Reading Challenge | Articles

article | December 7, 2011

Day 1: What You’ll Find Between the Covers We’re so glad you have taken the challenge to read the Bible daily for the next thirty days. It’s going to be a true challenge, because it won’t always be easy. But as with …

Amazed by His Wonder | Articles

article | October 9, 2014

This original recitation by Blair Linne was given at True Woman '14. Jesus . . . In the pre-existent Godhead three in One, All praise to the Father and Spirit and . . . Can I take a moment to exalt the …

True Woman 101: Divine Design | Articles

article | July 13, 2017

For resources for the True Woman 101 study, click here.

Cultivating the Garden of Your Heart | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

Several years ago, when I was ready to own a home, I bought a lot overlooking a river and had a house built. Once the house was up, a landscape architect met with me to propose a plan for the property. That …

The Essence of Femininity: A Personal Perspective | Articles

article | June 16, 2015

Feminists are dedicated to the proposition that the difference between men and women is a matter of mere biology. The rest of us recognize a far deeper reality, one that meets us on an altogether different plane from mere anatomical distinctions. It …

4 Checkpoints for Wisely Helping Hurting Women | Articles

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article | February 10, 2020

Years ago, when I was an inexperienced ministry leader, a woman with years of counseling experience mentioned a boundary she kept in her professional life. She wanted to remain emotionally healthy, so she placed guardrails on her availability to others. I don’t …

True You: Real or Fake? Uncovering the True You on Social Media | Articles

article | November 13, 2020

Do you struggle to be true to yourself on social media? Maybe there are two versions of you: one for your everyday friends and family, and another for your followers. We’ll tell you how to break free from the fake personas and …

True You: Let’s Battle Depression | Articles

article | August 7, 2020

Welcome to the first videocast of True You, a roundtable discussion based on the top twenty-five lies teen girls face and—more importantly—the Truth that sets them free! Here at our roundtable of Truth, no discussion is off-limits. Today we’re tackling emotions gone …