
654 Results

The Faithful to the Finish Line Challenge Is Here! | Articles

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article | May 29, 2020

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. —Hebrews 12:1 There are many missionaries who inspire me to keep running. One of them is Gladys Aylward. This five-foot, 110-pound woman refused to give up when the mission board …

Children's Biography Reading List | Articles

article | November 18, 2010

Heroes of the Faith Series: John Bunyan: Author of Pilgrim’s Progress Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned Jonathan Edwards: The Great Awakener Jim Elliot: Missionary to Ecuador David Livingstone: Missionary and Explorer D.L. Moody: The American Evangelist John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace …

Nancy’s Favorite Biographies | Articles

article | January 9, 2017

Collections Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God by Noël Piper (Crossway, 2005) The stories of these five ordinary women—Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Alyward, Esther Ahn Kim, and Helen Roseveare—will challenge readers to make a difference for Christ in their families, in …

What is Feminism? | Articles

article | June 9, 2009

What is feminism? Was it just a movement of hippies fighting for a woman's right to work several decades ago? If you're like me, you've never thought much about it. But our month-long conversation about God's definition of my femininity has led …

Offering Hope in the Midst of #MeToo | Articles

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article | April 2, 2018

In 2017, the #MeToo movement left many wondering how to respond to such an outcry. Some of us are asking, “Who do I know that may be affected?” Or even, “This is my story and my secret—now what?" Statistically speaking, sexual abuse …

This Changes Everything | Articles

article | November 11, 2015

I used to get bored when I heard salvation messages preached. That's for the unsaved people, I would think. It doesn't apply to me now that I'm saved—as if the gospel were some kind of one-and-done thing. I got saved when I …

The Lasting Impact Of Suicide | Articles

article | August 16, 2011

Erin: Can you shed any light on what God's Word teaches on the subject of suicide? Kim: I hesitated to address this question because I know it is one that evokes much emotion and one where there is considerable disagreement within the …

Does Physical Beauty Matter? | Articles

article | June 8, 2011

This message is one our culture preaches in earnest to girls and women, beginning in earliest childhood. It comes at us from virtually every angle: television, movies, music, magazines, books, and advertisements. In nearly perfect unison, they paint for us a picture …

Follow Your Spiritual Leaders | Articles

article | July 1, 2005

God’s Word identifies not only the requirements for those in positions of spiritual leadership, but also the attitudes and actions we are to display toward our spiritual leaders. Use the following questions to help evaluate how well you are fulfilling your responsibilities …

When I Am Afraid | Articles

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article | June 18, 2020

The raging fires jumped over the mountain and toward our home within seconds. We watched the news updates about pending evacuations as we hurriedly packed our bags, and suddenly the news anchor seemed to panic, nearly shouting, “Everyone . . . EVACUATE …