The Most High rules the kingdom of men
And gives it to whom He will
And sets over it the lowliest of men.
He changes times and seasons,
He removes kings and sets up kings,
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.
He does this according to His will
Among the hosts of Heaven
And among the inhabitants of the earth—
The God of Heaven rules!
He rules—
Over every tide of history.
Over every king and kingdom.
Over every activity we undertake.
Over every person and part of His creation.
The world around us
Is constantly tugging on us,
Teasing us,
And sometimes taunting us
To give our worship to created things and beings—
Worship that belongs only to God our Creator.
Heaven rules
Is a right sizing truth,
Putting our view of God
And our view of ourselves
And our view of our problems
In proper perspective.
Yes, the waves are high,
But we are not awash
In the floating debris of fate.
There is power
And there is safety
In Heaven’s rule.
Even when it hurts.
Even when it’s scary.
So, take comfort.
Take courage.
Our God is in control!
And may our victory cry be
Heaven rules!