How Transparent Should a Pastor's Wife Be?
Love requires us to soften our protective barriers.
Love requires us to soften our protective barriers.
When women neglect their spiritual gifts, the Church will fail to be all God has called her to be.
If Jesus wrote a letter to your church, would your cheeks glow from His encouragement or burn from His rebuke?
The Church may be attacked, but she will prevail.
Looking for a church home? Here are some questions to consider.
Five reasons to worship with your hands.
Are Sunday mornings stressful around your house? Here are practical ways young families can experience more Sabbath joy.
The church has a responsibility in the #MeToo movement.
Pray for your local church: pastoral leadership, purity, passion, perseverance.
Here are three reasons why a pew is better than a podcast.
The communion tray gets passed and you look around you. Everyone seems so sad faced. Is this what Jesus had in mind?
Do you ever struggle to get anything out of a sermon? Read practical suggestions on how to prepare your heart before you even go to church.
Your pastor’s wife needs encouragement, friendship, support, practical help, and most of all, earnest prayer. Be part of her prayer support.
Pastors cannot win the battle alone; they need committed intercessors to lift them in fervent, specific prayer. Be part of his prayer team.
Being a Christian doesn't mean we are immune from making the kind of mistakes in our relationships that lead to conflict.
Our church wasn't the problem. I was the problem. I needed God to do a new thing in my heart.
It's great to have an awesome youth pastor. But it's important to realize they are not your connection to God.
Attending church doesn't make you a Christian any more than attending a sporting event makes you an athlete.
Do churches judge more than they love?
God's Word identifies the attitudes and actions we are to display toward our spiritual leaders.
Examine different ways to build up the Body of Christ.