The Lasting Impact of Mentoring in Ministry
Ron and Mary Jenson took me into their lives, opened their hearts and home to me, and did more training than they probably ever realized.
Ron and Mary Jenson took me into their lives, opened their hearts and home to me, and did more training than they probably ever realized.
Let's fight to keep Christ at the center of all our mentoring relationships.
Just because a guy feels like the last boat leaving the island of singleness doesn't mean you should sail into the sunset with him.
I wanted a mentor. I just couldn't think of a woman who fit the bill.
Follow these five steps to establish a mentoring culture.
Authenticity is an opportunity to point young women to Jesus.
What are the real “rules” for Christian dating?
The gospel is the great equalizer to bridge the gap for teen mentors.
If you’ve ever felt frustrated leading Girls Ministry, adjusting your leadership style might keep you from quitting.
Sure, all Christians need discipleship. But how does the pastor’s wife fit in?
“They only want one thing . . .” and other lies we’ve been told about guys.
So he likes you but you don’t like him back. Awkward! Here are six ways to handle it.
Wisdom straight from Proverbs to help you build strong friendships.
He asked. You want to say “no.” Here are five ways to turn him down gracefully.
Is online dating ever a good idea? Let’s consider the pros and cons.
We’ve got some tips for how to navigate the awkward world of hugs.
In this guide, we’ve gathered practical wisdom and ideas from those who have experienced life-on-life relationships.
Living a Titus 2 lifestyle is essential for women, and for churches, to thrive. It’s an investment with eternal rewards. Are you willing to take a risk?
Mentoring is an intersection of busy, messy lives. It happens best when we offer our priorities, schedules, and weaknesses to God.
Mentoring can happen anytime, anywhere. Here’s a creative collection of practical ideas to water and grow a mentoring friendship.
Are you ready for a mentoring friendship, but uncertain how to begin or what mistakes to avoid? Read on . . .
We’ve got the help you need to kickstart the mentoring journey of a lifetime!
God takes sex very seriously. But the picture He gives us of sexuality is more intense, vibrant, and, well . . . sexy . . . than any view taught by the culture.
When discipleship and real life meet, it’s a whole lot more than mere Bible study.
“It's almost impossible to live the right life if you have the wrong friends.”
What do we do in mentoring? We encourage, comfort, and challenge women to follow what Scripture says. It is as simple as that.
Could it be that we're drowning in quicksand while a lifeline waits nearby waiting for us to grab on to?
5 steps to take toward getting along with your mom.
Worried time with a mentor will feel like an awkward staring contest? We've got a game plan!
Christians will disappoint us. That’s the cloud. Here’s the silver lining.