CSB Bible Project Update October 2022

Please pray for Nancy as she continues journaling through the Bible–she is still working her way through the Book of Revelation. We'll be sure to let you know when she writes a final “Amen” at the end of that last chapter after nearly five years of working on this joyful undertaking. Here's a prayer she penned at the end of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3: 

What a precious gift these letters are to the local churches–in John’s day and in ours. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for looking down from Your throne and for reaching down to reveal Yourself to the churches which You bought with Your blood. Thank You for walking in and among Your churches here on earth, for seeing and knowing each one individually and personally. For knowing what is to be commended and what is to be corrected—and for not withholding either. 

Thank You for loving not only healthy, faithful churches, but also for caring about churches that have strayed from their calling and their Savior. Thank You for not writing off Your churches or removing their lampstand without first giving ample opportunity for repentance and restoration. May we have Your heart for the churches where we worship and serve. May we be faithful even when surrounded by unfaithfulness, complacency, or corruption. And may we be instruments of truth, mercy, and grace in our churches. 

May You be magnified and exalted in every church that names the name of Christ—for the sake and spread of the gospel throughout the earth. And may You be at home in Your church as You wait to take us to our eternal Home in the presence of the Father.

Now that True Woman ’22 is behind us, Nancy’s top ministry priority for the next year or so will be editing the commentary and other notes for the CSB devotional study Bible she is producing in partnership with our friends at LifeWay Bibles. We plan to keep you updated on the progress in the months ahead and to share excerpts of the notes as they become available.

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