
38 Results

CSB Bible Project Update January 2024 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | January 10, 2024

As the new year begins, an intense recording schedule kicks off for Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

CSB Bible Project Update February 2024 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | February 21, 2024

In January, Nancy began recording a series of 260 half-hour programs to take Revive Our Hearts listeners on journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Our prayer is that as the episodes are recorded, we are able to work with our …

CSB Bible Project Update August 2022 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | August 23, 2022

On January 1, 2018, Nancy began journaling through the Bible, beginning in Genesis 1. Since that time, much has happened in her own life and throughout the world. She transitioned from her fifties into her sixties. Her precious husband had two bouts …

CSB Bible Project Update October 2022 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | October 11, 2022

Please pray for Nancy as she continues journaling through the Bible–she is still working her way through the Book of Revelation. We'll be sure to let you know when she writes a final “Amen” at the end of that last chapter after …

CSB Bible Project Update May 2023 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | May 19, 2023

Peek into the Project We love sharing sneak peeks into Nancy’s Bible Project. Here’s an inside look at an early draft from the book of Numbers: Numbers 16:23–50 God’s judgment against the rebel faction was earth-shattering and unmistakable. His glory that came …

CSB Bible Project Update February 2023 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | February 28, 2023

Nancy has been working diligently on the CSB Bible project and recently finished editing the first drafts of notes for Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus—nearly forty thousand words! According to the current timeline, the goal is for Nancy to edit one large book …

CSB Bible Project Update September 2023 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | September 11, 2023

The following excerpt is taken from Nancy’s commentary on the book of Joshua for the CSB Bible Project. If you grab your Bible and read alongside Nancy’s notes, you’ll find that the bold font emphasizes actual Scripture text from the CSB translation. …

CSB Bible Project April 2021 Update | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | April 23, 2021

Thank for your praying for Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth's Bible Project.

CSB Bible Project Update November 2022 | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | November 22, 2022

Praise God for how He continues to sustain Nancy! After five years of journaling through the Bible, she is nearing the finish line. (As we write this update, she is in Revelation 10–11.) During True Woman ’22, Nancy sat down with her …

CSB Bible Project January 2022 Update | CSB Bible Project Blog

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blog post | January 28, 2022

Partner with Nancy and the Lifeway team by praying for them as they work on the Bible Project, and enjoy this sneak peak of the content they're producing!