The Hopeful Reality of Church Scandal
Karen Swallow Prior: "It's easy to despair when the Bride of Christ proves hypocrite and harlot all at once. But God's judgment is a mercy. He chastens whom He loves."
This the Best of Times and the Worst of Times
Drawing from the example of history, John Piper gives four ways we can live in our modern day version of the best of times and the worst of times.
10 Lies You Must Affirm in Order to Look at Porn
Though we often think of men as the primary viewers of pornography, women are succumbing to it, too. What lies are you believing as you look at or interact with another human being?
6 Reasons Catechisms Make Truth Stick
Are you familiar with catechisms? I wasn't until recently. Here are six reasons I hope to get more familiar with them in the future.
3 Ways You Can Help Syrian Refugees from Your Home Today
Helpless. Indifferent. Heartbroken. Far-removed. The refugee crisis is a sad and complex reality in our fallen world. May the Lord gives us grace to know what to do from where we are.
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