With so many media options for connecting with others, it’s helpful to put some thought into how we choose to spend our “media minutes.” For a few years I’ve contemplated joining Facebook. I’ve been tempted to keep up with friends and family that way, but feared it would become another “time grabber” in my life—and I already have plenty of those! For now, I merely “visit” Facebook infrequently through my son’s account. Even though I haven’t caved to the Facebook draw, this past month Twitter caught me!
When Nancy started “tweeting,” I decided to join Twitter to follow her and a few others. I’ve enjoyed soaking up wisdom and encouragement through “tweets” from godly men and women, and I also use it as a discipline in daily posting one thought I glean from my personal devotional time. I don’t have “tweets” delivered to my phone or email so I’m not continually being interrupted through the day, and I limit the time I spend on Twitter.
If the apostle Paul could’ve set up a Facebook or Twitter account, I think he probably would’ve applied this admonition to his social networking activities:
“Whether you eat or drink [or Twitter, or Facebook, or blog], or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Let’s take that principle and flesh it out with these ten questions:
- What is my primary motive for communicating through social media?
- How much daily time do I devote to this activity?
- Have I developed any online relationships that I’ve kept secret from my spouse or others?
- Do I go online before I’ve spent time with Jesus soaking in His Word and adoring Him in worship?
- Does my Internet browsing and grazing lead me to places where I’m spiritually encouraged, motivated to grow, and encouraged to share the gospel?
- Do my social networking activities lead me to gossip, pride, lust, or coveting?
- Is my time online harming or benefitting others?
- Do my relationships or responsibilities suffer because of my time spent online?
- Do I view social networking as an opportunity to spread the gospel?
- Do I love Jesus more than my social network connections?
I’d love to hear from you . . . How do you use social media to the glory of God?
PS: I’d love for you to “follow me” on Twitter if you have the freedom to after working through these ten questions!
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