Don’t Hesitate to Tell of God’s Faithfulness

I've always been a bit uncomfortable sharing with the people closest to me about how God is working in my life. Ironically, I'm the author of two Christian books for moms. I tell other people about God for a living. But in my everyday life, I freeze up. I'm awkward. I sometimes skirt around God's truth and offer empty encouragement and meaningless platitudes to friends, family, and my own children—even though that's exactly what I encourage moms not to do. 

What’s a hesitant sharer to do? Only the wisdom of the Bible—the very one I'm hesitant to share—has helped me move from discomfort to deep conviction in this area. I know now that what the people around me need (especially in a world full of unknowns and unrest) is to be reminded of the faithfulness of God.

Seeing God's Faithfulness in His Word Points to God’s Faithfulness in our Lives

My husband and I have been studying up on new vehicles to find the perfect one for me. After researching several choices, we finally found it. I’ve spent time studying this car, so suddenly I see it everywhere. My eye is drawn to it on the freeway, in the carpool line, and in the Target parking lot. I’ve even learned to identify the nuances of its different trim packages. In the same way, if you take the time to study God's faithfulness, you won’t be able to stop seeing it all around you.

Begin by including identifying God's faithfulness to His chosen people as a regular part of your Bible study rhythms. For example, if you are studying Genesis, take the time to note each instance where God is faithful to Abraham and Sarah, even when they were faithless. (You can even write an F in the margins if you want to get fancy.) This creates a holy habit of identifying God’s faithfulness as illuminated by the Holy Spirit and recognizing where God is being faithful to you despite your unfaithfulness.

Once you've seen God's faithfulness, you'll be compelled to praise Him for it, like David did in so many psalms. David didn’t just praise God “sometimes” or even weekly. He praises God "every day" and "forever and ever" (Psalm 145:3).

Experiencing God's Faithfulness Leads to Sharing God's Faithfulness

Once you have experienced how God's faithfulness in the Bible impacts your love for Him, you'll see that sharing God's faithfulness in His Word and your own life is essential. Your personal story of God's faithfulness is important. Sometimes we hesitate to share because we are worried about making the world all about us, but sharing stories of God’s work in our lives highlights His greatness despite our weakness. Psalm 145:4 says, "one generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts." This is a call to all of us to find one woman (or five or five hundred) in the next generation with whom we’ll consistently share the faithfulness of God. Then she will learn to identify God’s faithfulness in her life and keep passing it on, from one generation to another.

Making God's Faithfulness Known Is Part of Being in God's Kingdom

In this simple practice, we are taking part in God's kingdom. Psalm 145:10–12 says that God's covenant people will bless Him, speaking of His glorious kingdom and telling of His power, making known His mighty deeds to the children of man. This should humble us. We serve a God whose kingdom and glory are everlasting—not because of the works of His people, but because He is always faithful.

So if you're like me and telling of God's faithfulness tends to be uncomfortable, practice by identifying God's faithfulness in the Bible and in your own life first. As you get excited about what God has done and is doing, you'll likely find that you need to share it with someone. Start with one other woman and you’ll soon see the ripple effects in God’s kingdom.

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